Pre-Order "Muppets Most Wanted" Blu-ray available August 12

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
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If a bonus is not related to the feature itself on a DVD or Blu-Ray then it's just pointless consumerism for the company's other franchises. It's like if Sony made another Blu-Ray for The Muppets Take Manhattan, and added a special feature, and it was a smurfs short.
oh...yeah, i didnt think of that, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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Cannot wait for this. At the store I work at my managers are allowing me to throw a Muppet DVD release party and I'm so excited. August can't get here fast enough.

Lucky!! Ill probably be at my local Wal-Mart at midnight on August 11th lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Grrr, August 13th. What's the point in being a day later than the US?

Anyway, I'm just really intrigued to know what 'Rizzo's Biggest Fan' is......or who the fan is. Could it be Gonzo? Tatooey or Yolanda? That cat who tried to eat him in Muppets Christmas Carol?

(Gasp!)...Could it be.....dare I suggest it.......Steve?!

I doubt it, but how awesome would that be?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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These are going to have to tide you over! :stick_out_tongue:

Those clips say "full" and "extended", but I didn't notice any scenes that were cut from the theatrical version (which I've only seen once). That one "extended" clip has about four scenes (which I think were featured back-to-back-to-back in the film) and I've noticed some scenes that don't even appear in that video. And the Interrogation Song doesn't have any of the extra stuff from the soundtrack (though it does have something that's not in the soundtrack that I didn't even remember seeing).

If a bonus is not related to the feature itself on a DVD or Blu-Ray then it's just pointless consumerism for the company's other franchises. It's like if Sony made another Blu-Ray for The Muppets Take Manhattan, and added a special feature, and it was a smurfs short.
If Disney were to include something not related to the movie, I'd rather it be an existing Muppet production, like a bonus episode of The Muppet Show, or a Muppet special or compilation video. On a similar note, why include a Mickey Mouse short but not the Monsters University short that came with it in the theaters?

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Grrr, August 13th. What's the point in being a day later than the US?

Anyway, I'm just really intrigued to know what 'Rizzo's Biggest Fan' is......or who the fan is. Could it be Gonzo? Tatooey or Yolanda? That cat who tried to eat him in Muppets Christmas Carol?

(Gasp!)...Could it be.....dare I suggest it.......Steve?!

I doubt it, but how awesome would that be?
I hope so, though maybe, but it intrigues me that Rizzo would get a whole bonus feature to himself when he only had one line in the movie, I guess it'll make up for his lack of screen time.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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I hope with MMW's release that more muppet DVDs and Blu-Rays will start popping up at my local walmart. It reaks of lack of muppet items. They used to have The Muppets (2011) regularily, but they took it down a few months ago. The TMM blu-ray stayed for like 2 weeks than vanished, same with the MTI and GMC blu-ray. They had MCC and LTS just for December. Though besides these on-and-off products Walmart never has TMM, GMC, MCC, or MTI dvds sitting on the shelves. MFS is there only occasionally in the $5 bin, but really is there no muppet product that can just sit on the shelves for more than 2 weeks besides the new 2011 film? All those pixar films are sitting there everyday for a terrible price of $20 and they're always full!
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