Commercial rant time...


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Apr 6, 2015
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Just . . . just . . . no words.
Come on, that's actually funny! It's a lighthearted commercial, sells a product and is memorable. And I'll be the first to say that I'd be totally ok with Selena Gomez stalking me and asking me to replay her songs lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I find it bizarrely sexual. And if you let your mind wander the wrong way (like I always do), you get a creepy theory about this commercial. Selena Gomez isn't really there, and she's the manifest of some creepy stalker's obsession, and said stalker wants to.....ehhhh....without consent. And no matter how hard he tries to fight it, he's still listening to her music over and over. So not only is he a creep, he desperately wants to not be a creepy, but his own desires won't let him.

Now I made that commercial a hundred times worse, didn't I?


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Aug 8, 2003
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For me it's not even so much a sexual aspect as it is making Selena Gomez seem rather egotistical, narcissistic, and self-interested, kind of like, well, Taylor Swift. It's almost as bad as those commercials we had to put up with a few years ago with the likes of NPH or Jane Lynch, where they were like, "Look at me, I'm a big celebrity! And I endorse this product, so you should go out and buy it if you want to feel like a big celebrity, just like me!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The thing is, some of them are tongue in cheek. Jane Lynch and NPH are both from comedy backgrounds. Selina may have been on a Disney sitcom, but honey, that ain't comedy!

What I hate more are lunkhead commercials. Case in point, the Burger King 2 for $10 Whopper ad...

Uhhhhh...the joke is there is no joke? Dude, if someone's gonna get fired, please let it be the talentless hack who barfed that commercial out in 12 seconds. Seriously, I expect they to start saying "Yipyipyipyipyip! Yipyipyipyipyip! Uh-Huh!" the deadpan way they describe the product. Somehow, it makes the duo in the Sonic Ads look like science professors that minored in theater.


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Apr 5, 2009
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Not as infuriating as other examples, but there's this new Fruit of the Loom commercial I've been seeing recently about these women fixated on a changing bridesmaid's new breathable panties, which is questionable in and of itself. But then they blow on them to see if they really are as breathable as she says, which pushes it further into Les Yay territory. :skeptical:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay, I was watching American Dad a couple nights ago, and I saw this scene...

That's exactly the reaction I have when I see those FRIGGIN Italian Tour commercials that my cable provider thinks I desperately have to see 20 times a day! Of course I remember your dad! I'll spend an entire LIFETIME trying to not remember your dad!

Also.... I'm not going to say anything about the movie, was their any reason why adult swim needed to advertise Sam Raimi's new horror movie 4 or 5 times during every commercial break?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Since we were discussing SpongeBob in the Nicktoon thread, I went on YouTube to try to find those old SpongeBob merchandise commercials from over ten years ago that still make me cringe when I think about them. Y'know, the ones that imply that your miserable and pathetic existence will only be made worthwhile if you have SpongeBob stuff? Like the one where a family checks into a hotel with SpongeBob luggage, and suddenly they get five star treatment and the conceirge literally breaks into fist fights over who gets to carry the SpongeBob luggage up to their room? I didn't find any of those, but, I ended up finding this:

Where do I even begin? You got really hot dancing girls strutting their stuff in short shorts, that is until you realize they're actually dressed like SpongeBob, suddenly, that makes it less hot. Not to mention, that creep pervert Burger King is thrown in there dancing around with the hot girls, and suddenly the whole thing turns into an absolute trainwreck. A guaranteed boner killer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I want to like this one, I really do: they're actually poking fun at tabloids with this TMZ expy following Flo around to try to dish up dirt about her . . . but, it feels like they try a little too hard at it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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This new Dominos product roll out of salads rubs me the wrong way.

It's supposed to be funny and ironic, but it really just comes out as a hamfisted stereotype of salad eaters with someone yelling in their ears about how wrong they are. Sort of like....

What really bugs me is you can only expect this sort of thing at a chain Pizza take away. Every Mom and Pop I've ever been to has salads on the menu right up there with the pizza (though the Family Guy cutscene about how oddly they make them and then put them right on top of the pizza so the salad would be hot is fairly accurate). I'm sure there are places where there aren't like 5 competing local pizza places in a 2 block radius (totally have that situation here) and the chains are the only thing around. When you do, however, the last place you want to go is a chain.