And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Thought this was interesting coming from the facebook page of a former white supremacist:

"This idea that kindness, compassion and forgiveness are somehow capitulation needs to stop being accepted and encouraged. While POC and anyone else targeted by hate have every right to be angry and aggressive, that course remains tactically and spiritually unsound. Love is the way. No neo-Nazi can ever change that.

If you want haters to fail, don't reflect their hate and aggression"
Don't wage war, wage peace.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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In related news, Elizabeth Warren is going around saying the Dems need to move further to the left...Like I said, are they trying to lose? And do they seriously think their platform in the last election was even remotely centrist??? Look, Dems, you're right on some issues, but you know what, so are the Reps! We need both points of views, not one side trying to destroy the other. Get a clue. Because I don't want more Trump. And I will be blaming you if it happens again.
See I don't get it either. If there is anything the politicians should have taken from the last election it is that people are sick of the same ol' same ol' from Washington. Stop putting party before the country! Instead, both the Republicans and the Democrats have moved further from the center. Are they that clueless and out of touch??!!! America is crying out for them to move to the center. And get something done for the good of the people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Oh yeah, and here's something interesting: Most of the people who have posted in this thread (other than me and Jamie, correct me if I've missed you) are Christians, and yet the viewpoints shared here are often completely different, most notably between @D'Snowth and @MuppetsRule . I honestly think it's interesting how sometimes people with the same beliefs can have differing opinions, y'know?

IDK I'm still not making sense.
Pssst, (looks around) there are some things I agree with D'snowth on. Just don't tell him that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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My two cents on racism:

Some media outlets portray only white people to be racist. But there's more to it.
Racism stems from fear and ignorance. Fear of other people because the color of their skin is different from yours, and ignorance from assuming all people of that race bear certain traits.
Fear and ignorance are human weaknesses. So anybody, regardless of color, can be racist. And all of us are, to some degree.

I've tried hard over the years to do what I can to build bridges between different races. Didn't always succeed, but still made the effort.

Building bridges, knocking down walls. It's a shame that there will always be people of all colors, that would rather see the walls stay up, rather than bring them down. Those are people that live with that fear in their hearts and ignorance in their minds.

You might not change the world (maybe I won't either), but any effort to building bridges, mending fences, and moving forward is a victory, no matter how small.
There may be racists of all colors and ethnicities, but white males have always been the dominant group with disproportionate power to discriminate. Yes, I am a white male.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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There may be racists of all colors and ethnicities, but white males have always been the dominant group with disproportionate power to discriminate. Yes, I am a white male.
I mean, historically you'd be correct. I'm reminded of one of Carlin's quotes:

"This whole country is founded on bull****. America was founded by a bunch of slave owners who said, 'All men are created equal.' Oh yeah, all men, except for Indians and n----- and women."

Though today I'd almost say, given that everything's a lot more equal - not 100% but closer to it - that the racism is a bit more evenly divided as well. White guys are presented as more racist nonetheless.

Then again, as Carlin would also say, I'm just a fat yuppie white guy from a middle class family, so I really can't comment on the issue. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Sure, there are some racist black people out there, but theirs is justifiable to a degree: their racism is brought on by the racism white people have dealt them for centuries, so it's not like they hate white people for no reason. White people, on the other hand, they never seem to have a good reason for hating all non-white people (even though some of these claim it's Biblical).


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I don't know what their issue is but I'm just going to assume they came from the racist Southern areas.

Overall though I am proud to be Caucasian-American and I have no regrets saying that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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I don't know what their issue is but I'm just going to assume they came from the racist Southern areas.

Overall though I am proud to be Caucasian-American and I have no regrets saying that.
Very few people can be certain that they are 100% Caucasian.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Sure, there are some racist black people out there, but theirs is justifiable to a degree: their racism is brought on by the racism white people have dealt them for centuries, so it's not like they hate white people for no reason. White people, on the other hand, they never seem to have a good reason for hating all non-white people (even though some of these claim it's Biblical).
I do agree with this, to an extent - it's never okay to hate a whole group of people just because of skin color.

Do what I do: hate individual people one by one. :wink: