And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I'm still waiting for the flying cards. Everybody said we'd have 'em in the new millennium. Of course, that was several decades ago, however.
This is why, if I ever write a book that takes place in the future, I'll set it in 5678, or something like that. I think that's more realistic than 2030.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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*Facepalm* Oy vey.

Once again, as much as I dislike Trump, the hurricanes are not his fault, nor are they punishments from God for a variety of different stupid reasons. Why? Because it's hurricane season - peak hurricane season is September through November. And this is not the first time in history that two category 4 hurricanes have happened in the same year: Gustav and Ike reaked havoc on the southern D.S. within days of each in 2008.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Jennifer Lawrence's pearls of wisdom that Irma was some supernatural (not necessarily God, because we don't want to offend agnostics) force's way of punishing Florida for voting for Trump.

By that same brilliant logic, Sandy was some supernatural force's way of punishing New Jersey in 2012 for voting for Obama.

In the meantime, what is she doing to help the victims? Texas is still ravaged from Harvey, we're still holding our breath on Irma, and Jose is next.

Are the wildfires in California punishment for hiring Schwarzenegger to host "The Apprentice"?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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I think that this reasoning about the hurricanes is coming from two sources. The ones who say Trump's to blame are still trying to blame Trump for everything that's wrong in the world...and that's just wrong. The "religious fanatics" (to borrow Frank Zappa's term) say that God is unleashing his wrath on the US, but I don't agree with that either.

While I have gone to church for a number of years, for some reason I've always believed that weather patterns and natural phenomena happen without being controlled by any deity. They are natural forces that simply are, with no divine intervention. Whenever I've read about God bringing heavy flooding or thunderstorms in the Bible, I just haven't thought much of it. That's just my personal experience.

We can have the whole "religion vs. science" debate here, but that would be utterly fruitless. In the end, I believe that statistics, scientific data, clear evidence, and TRUE FACTS are more significant and valid than any other theories that people are putting out there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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IIRC Gustav was only a category 2 when it made landfall
Irma ended up doing the same thing. The fact remains that all of these hurricanes ended up strengthening to category 4 at some point during their existence, and these dumbkopfs out there are acting like Harvey and Irma is the first time in history that two cat 4 hurricanes formed within days of each other, when in fact, Gustav and Ike did the same thing 2008, but I guess everybody has forgotten about that.

And again, it's just plain dumb to say these hurricanes are happening because God is punishing us for one reason or another, when the fact remains we're having these hurricanes because it's the peak of hurricane season right now; there's no reason to try to turn these into political debates - not to blame Trump for denying climate change, nor to retroactively blame Obama for golfing during Katrina because he wasn't even President yet.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I wonder if Miss Lawrence ever looked at herself in the mirror (not out of vanity, but really looked deep into her soul).

"It is so hard dealing with the hurricanes, especially while I'm over here promoting my film, it's so confusing".

I'm sure that's cold comfort for all the people in Texas and Florida trying to rebuild their lives.

Wanna really impress me, Jenny Baby? When you get done plugging your crappy movie, volunteer for the Red Cross or Salvation Army, and spend a week or two down there helping with the relief effort.

And the ones whose homes are flooded and are camping in shelters- can you tell at first glance who voted for Trump and who didn't?