Scenes in movies you always find tough to watch


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I dunno if this has ever been discussed on Muppet Central, but here goes.

What are some scenes in some of your favorite movies you always find difficult to watch and for what reasons? I'll give some to name a few:

1) The Lion King - Muffasa's death. Yeah..... This should be obvious why.

2) Air Bud - when Josh abandons Buddy in the middle of a field. Anything involving having to say goodbye to animals I always find tough to watch.

3) Toy Story 2 - "When She Loved Me" montage - this was always a tough scene, but it's even tougher as an adult because it just shows what growing up is like.

4) Toy Story 3 - the ending. Do I even need to say why?

5) Monster's Inc - Sully saying goodbye to Boo - "Kitty....?" Basically sums it up.

6) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney adaption) - Quasimodo being pelted with produce and tied down. As a kid, I couldn't get past this scene and I never bothered to watch the whole movie until I was 15.

7) Heart and Souls - Goodbye, Thomas. As someone who used to have really bad abandonment issues, I could always sympathize with 7-year-old Thomas in this scene.

8) Forrest Gump - just every single death scene with Bubba, Forrest's mom and Jenny. The water works.

9) Life is Beautiful - Oh my God that ending.....

10) Philidelphia - the ending. Just..... The ending.

11) Inside Out - Honestly, Bing Bong's death was sad, but Riley admitting she was depressed from missing her old home at the end really made me have to clear my eyes.

12) The Little Mermaid - King Triton destroying Ariel's grotto - I can't watch this scene without sticking up my middle finger.

13) Pokemon, the first movie - Pikachu trying to revive Ash. You know, I honestly ended up losing interest in Pokemon as I got older, but even I'll admit this scene is always heart breaking.

14) - Kramer vs Kramer - Where Ted and Billy reconcile with each other after that confrontation with the ice cream. Probably because it really shows that they were both really bottling up how they felt about each other until the time came.

15) - Babe - Maa's death. This was a scene I always hated when I was a kid and still have trouble getting through today.

16) Up - Ugh..... Just the opening, man. The opening.

17) Wreck it Ralph - Penelope's car being destroyed. Ugh.

18) Castaway - Wilson..... Just...... Why?

19) the never ending story - Artax..... Why, Artax?

20) The Sidehackers - probably a movie no one on this forum will recognize unless they saw it on Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Rommel getting shot. Only love pads the film.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Michael Jeter's botched eletrocution in THE GREEN MILE.
I really should not have seen any part of that movie when I was six, especially since that guy played Mr. Noodle. And knowing that both Jeter and Michael Clarke Duncan are actually gone now makes the movie even harder to watch.

1) The Lion King - Muffasa's death. Yeah..... This should be obvious why.
4) Toy Story 3 - the ending. Do I even need to say why?
UGH, yes to both of these.
17) Wreck it Ralph - Penelope's car being destroyed. Ugh.
12) The Little Mermaid - King Triton destroying Ariel's grotto - I can't watch this scene without sticking up my middle finger.
Yeah, those scenes are surprisingly still hard to watch even if it does end up getting better at the end.
I never noticed until now that this scene and the Wreck it Ralph one are actually pretty similar.

Okay, here's mine: freakin' My Girl. I don't know who's idea that ending was but, they deserve to be kicked in the gut. Also, the beginning of Disney's Tarzan where that stupid jaguar eats those gorillas' baby.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
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invitation to life, the scene when the mother dies, guess who's is coming to dinner, the scene when they break up, they didn't do it face to face, she left him a note. conrack, the scene when he leaves the children. these are all endings BTW.