Steve Whitmire has left the Muppets, Matt Vogel to continue as Kermit


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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So in conclusion..they had better fired the people that wrote Kermit as this "depressed character" people keep complaining about.

The truth is that actors/performers/puppeteers do have some responsibility for how a character comes off. The dialogue can be written, but the way it's said is a factor. Kermit's lines in that clip did not necessarily call for a depressed tone of voice. Have you ever looked at different pilot episodes of some TV shows with alternate actors saying the exact same words? Very different.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Everyone has some kind of say in how a character delivers the lines, because you've got writers who wrote the lines and have their interpretations, you've got directors who tell the performers how to say the line from their interpretations, then you've got the performers who have to say the lines that were written for them and are told how to say them while offering up their own interpretation.

Again, I think the writers and directors are more at fault for Kermit seeming like a "depressed" character, because again, Disney and ABC clearly wouldn't bring in actual Muppet writers or directors who have a grasp of who these characters are and what their interplay within the context of the all of the Muppets. This is one of the reasons why a majority of MCers hate MFS, because Tim Hill wasn't a Muppet director: he didn't even like the Muppets, and therefore couldn't really direct for them. ABC bringing in writers from THE OFFICE, MODERN FAMILY, and THE BIG BANG THEORY ended up giving us THE BIG MODERN MUPPET BANG OFFICE FAMILY THEORY. It'd be like if instead of bringing in Ken Scarborough from ARTHUR to replace Joey Mazzarino as SST's head writer, they brought in a writer from Channel Awesome or something since they're wanting to spread SST further out into digital platforms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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We can argue about it until we're all blue in the face, but there is just no changing of people's minds once they're stuck on what they want to believe, myself included. It will get us absolutely nowhere, and we'll all end up going around in circles again.

"You spin me right round, baby right round
Like a record, baby, right round round round"


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Who knows? Maybe the directors did say, “You’d better make Kermit sound suicidal or else!”


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2015
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Totally agree with that. Mayor west and Angela will be missed and its a shame there not being recast but I'd definitely would rather have a different Kermit than no Kermit at all
That's what you have to keep in mind. He's still the same character. Like we said before, sometimes when VAs pass on or leave us, characters are retired altogether.

:smile::embarrassed::concern: sometimes when VAs pass on or leave us, characters are retired.

Look at Simpsons actors Phil Hartman and Marcia Wallace who voiced Lionel Hotz/Troy McClure and Edna Krebbable respectively. Their characters were retired when their VAs passed on rather than being recast. They're also retiring Mayor West and probably Angela on Family Guy because of the deaths of their VAs. So with Steve's departure, we have to keep that in mind. Would we rather have Kermit sound slightly different or have the Muppets continue without Kermit? I rest my case.