Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Aug 12, 2015
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On an unrelated note, I think I've figured out another petty reason why Trumpsters actually like Kanye West: because Obama called him a jack@$$ when he was President.
Yep. That'll do it.

I get why we have feminism and I’m all for equal rights.

It just bugs me, on the other hand, that there are women out there who believe having a ****** gives them a free pass.

Lying to the police to get a man in trouble by telling them “he raped me!” which, when it comes to telling sexual assault stories, by all means, go for it, but just tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Believing they can’t get a punch to the face even if they attacked you first because “they’re a girl!”

A prime example @Any Del once mentioned of a girl cutting in line in front of him at a pizzeria just because she felt she could simply because of her sex.

I don't even think that's an issue of feminism. I think it comes from the age old idea of, "men should treat all women with respect, no matter what, because they need to be protected." Which some women use to try to take advantage of men.

Also, very few rape accusations are found to be false.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The current figure is around 3% are found to be false, but tgat figure is misleading as around 3% are found to be proven false after investigation. The number implies that 97% of allegations are true, but there is a middle ground where nothing can be proven or disproven. There are far more (i don't have the number at the moment) that are found inconclusive, meaning no evidence supports the claim but no evidence dissproves the claim either. Those would be your classic he said she said cases. So the reality is, the true number of false claims is at least 3%, but possibly more that simply cant be proven false.


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Feb 14, 2007
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This is something I made recently because I feel like this just seems to be an ongoing issue with double standards in this world.

And I.e I mean stuff like “Oh, you’re a man! Your sexual harassment stories aren’t as bad as ours!” Or “You’re white! You don’t have it as hard as we do!” when they feel discriminated, etc.


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May 21, 2005
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Too, memes! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I pretty much agree with your video, and even will add something that I've recently been losing a little bit of respect and support for MeToo because of how out of hand - not just with some people (mostly women) trying to make hugging a form of sexual harassment, and even conditioning little kids on it, but also because some women are now making a big issue out of chivalry, and basically saying men who are polite and mannerly to women are being sexist. Again, as a southern, chivalry was hammered into my growing up, and I instinctly behave mannerly around women . . . granted, I may be a little more "relaxed" around them if I know them personally or are friends, but I mean, I instinctly and habitually will hold a door open, or let someone walk ahead of me, or things like that simply because it's how I was raised . . . but now you're a bad guy and a sexist pig if you do that stuff?


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Dec 2, 2002
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So much for "The Greatest American Tax Plan Ever":

Meanwhile, I'm trying to explain to a Trump supporter who hasn't even lived in America in years how it's more than "just a rare few" who are being screwed over in America right now.
This is what happens when people read the headlines and not the whole article. It's sloppy and lazy analysis, and often times, if not always, politically motivated. People's refunds are smaller this year because less money was taken out of their paychecks to begin with. Not, as the left and Dems would like you to believe, because the tax cut didnt apply to them and only to the rich.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Seriously.... do people not know how taxes work? If you lower taxes, you lower how much gets withheld. Therefore, less to return at the end of the year. Maybe people shouldnt use their tax return as a savings account and look at what they are getting each check and budget that way.

This is why I am moving further and further away from the left this is a blatant false headline. I get it, Trump is a jerk, but people need to give credit where it is due. If you need to lie to get people to agree with you then you arent right about what you believe.