
Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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And the Fraggles are wonderful therapy - I remember, almost three years ago when one of our dogs - my beloved Marta - had to be put down, I sat up late drinking cocoa and watching FR. It helped a little bit - but the healing process took a long time.
I'm sorry about your dog, I've definitely been there. But you're right, the Muppets can be very comforting in those times.

Lol, yeah, for that complete reunion of ours: ReneeLouvier, Gelfling Girl and MeepBorkMeep.... *sends out the search party to try and locate them* I love having the reunion we've got so far, though! :smile:
Aw, thanks Skye, hehe. Yeah it would be cool to have everyone here all at once some time just like the old days, lol.

muppet fan girl

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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well Muppet Fan Girl, just remember say 'Your Face' and walk away :wink:
Thanks i'll remember that :wink: and Erin sorry about your dog I know how you must have felt. My dog Milly died recently she passed away in her sleep right next to me on the bed I got up expecting her to start licking me like she does every morning when she didn't a reached down to pet her and realized she was dead and I started crying I didn't go to school that day I stayed home and watched Fraggle Rock 'Gone But Not Forgotten' a few times. That was about Three weeks ago and i still don't want to believe shes gone.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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My dog Milly died recently she passed away in her sleep right next to me on the bed I got up expecting her to start licking me like she does every morning when she didn't a reached down to pet her and realized she was dead
Aw I'm sorry, you know it's been five years since my dog passed away but I still have dreams where suddenly she's there again. Even though we have a new dog now, I've even had dreams with the two of them together! I think that's something we all hope for subconsciously.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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GoboDeadly, you've got an awesome math teacher! That's so cool that she was playing JD and the Muppets. One of my all-time favorite Christmas CDs is "A Christmas Together." And I think most everyone here would agree with you: We can't help gushing over Richard's voice (and all the rest of him), either! :flirt:

Lol, yeah, for that complete reunion of ours: ReneeLouvier, Gelfling Girl and MeepBorkMeep.... *sends out the search party to try and locate them* I love having the reunion we've got so far, though! :smile:
I was totally singing along while we decorated too. It really isn't Christmas with out it. Ironically JD and the Muppets a Christmas Together is my favorite Christmas CD too.
And I totally agree about Richard. If there is one person I will hug when I die it will be him. When I read how many characters he played I always fail to realize that these preformers were my LIFE when I was little. Thanks Richard for healping me feel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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never listen to JD and the muppets christmas cd i'm afraid.

Richard really did play so many important characters to me and it wasn't until i was older that i realized. i think my favourite song sung by Richard would be him singing as The Snowman in MFC at the end. either that or Six-String Orchistra... actually How Wide, How Far How Long is good too... lol i could go on like this you know :wink:

sorry to hear about everyones dogs dying [you know what i mean] i've never experienced my dogs dying, my first dog Barney was stolen [and shot and left in the woods, but i didn't find him, my dad did, and they never told me until i was older] and my other dog 'ran away' [i moved and he got sick] i have had many pets and they have died so i know how much it hurts. i don't dream about Barney as much anymore, but i remember having many dreams where i'd be walking to my house and look up and see him and he's run over to me and we'd play. i like Gone but not Forgotten, it's an amazing episode, i guess just how it's portrayed, Mudwell lies down and dies, after that it's all about accepting the fact he's gone. i think that's why i like the episode, i've seen many shows where someone's death is everything then they might be sad for five minutes then they're over it and it's back to work. *looks at time* i think i'll watch the episode before work :excited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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i like Gone but not Forgotten, it's an amazing episode, i guess just how it's portrayed, Mudwell lies down and dies, after that it's all about accepting the fact he's gone. i think that's why i like the episode, i've seen many shows where someone's death is everything then they might be sad for five minutes then they're over it and it's back to work. *looks at time* i think i'll watch the episode before work
Nekoshema that's terrible! I'm so sorry about your dogs. You're going to make me cry.
But as long as we're on the death wish subject it was Gobo and Junior that legit kept me alive and gave me the will power not to give up in second grade after my immune system was failling due to depression. I watched the Fraggles every day when I had the stomach flu and then strep throat which I neglected to tell my 'rents about and they found out and started me on anti-botics and I was fine. Well, a few months later I burned half my poems and paintings and started crying in the shower. I snapped in March of 2002 right before Communion. I moved schools after 2nd grade and into 3rd grade and I stopped everything writing, singing and anything. Well, in 3rd grade in Jan. it was my golden B-day and I went to Disney where I saw Muppets 3-D and I vividly remember it was the first time I'd laughed in close to two years! In fourth grade I got stuffed Fraggles for Christmas and I was so happy. It's been a really tough journey though my life but thanks to Richard I know for a FACT I can do anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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aww, that's good... and terrible... to hear. there's a line Richard said at Jim's funeral, not sure if you've heard it [i've posted it before] 'Henson's Muppets spoke the the part of kids that were adult and the part of adults that is childlike' personally, i don't think i'll ever outgrow the Two-Headed Monster, or the Yipping Aliens or Monsterpiece Cookie Theatre, they're just so silly i can't help but laugh :wink:

i had a friend who always insulted me for liking the muppets, so i always wrote them off around him so he wouldn't make fun of me, well we broke up a few weeks ago and the first thing i did was put on the Pearl Baily episode of TMS :crazy: lol Gonzo as the black knight kills me; jousting on a cow for the honor of a chicken.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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There has to be something wrong with anybody who thinks muppets are kid stuff. :attitude:

Gonzo is so hilarious man. That scenario you mentioned in that TMS episode sounds really funny. I think I even vaguely remember some parts of it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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aww, that's good... and terrible... to hear. there's a line Richard said at Jim's funeral, not sure if you've heard it [i've posted it before] 'Henson's Muppets spoke the the part of kids that were adult and the part of adults that is childlike' personally, i don't think i'll ever outgrow the Two-Headed Monster, or the Yipping Aliens or Monsterpiece Cookie Theatre, they're just so silly i can't help but laugh :wink:
I have heard that one and I started bawling. It's so true. In every character Richard played he spoke straight to my heart. I'll love him forever because even before I knew who he was I loved him.

muppet fan girl

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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I got a to use 'Your Face!' today this kid walked past me I smiled at him he saw my teeth and said 'The gap between your teeth is so big, I don’t know whether to smile back at you or kick a field goal' my reply was 'yeah well 'Your Face!' he just stood there baffled then walked away.