Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A


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Nov 17, 2007
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Chick Fil-A does not restrict their sales or their hiring to heterosexuals. If a homosexual were to walk in to their restaurant and order he/she would be fed just like anyone else. The phrase "Are you a practicing homosexual? does not appear on their job applications either. They are opposed to the idea of homosexual marriage on Biblical grounds. Numerous verses in both the Old and the New Testaments speak against homosexuality.
As for those Christians who say that homosexuals are going to ****. I look at it this way. Say you wanted to go the beach for a vacation and you packed your car with all your beach things and drove off. About halfway down the road you stopped for gas. While in the gas station the attendant notices your beach gear in the car and informs you that the road you are on doesn't go to the beach. It goes to the mountains. Would you tell him that he was being mean for telling you that you are going to a place you don't want to go? No. You would simply ask him to help you make the necessary changes. Christians don't tell homosexuals to go to ****. They just tell them that that's where the road they are on is headed and advise them on how to make the necessary changes.


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May 2, 2008
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Chick Fil-A does not restrict their sales or their hiring to heterosexuals. If a homosexual were to walk in to their restaurant and order he/she would be fed just like anyone else. The phrase "Are you a practicing homosexual? does not appear on their job applications either. They are opposed to the idea of homosexual marriage on Biblical grounds. Numerous verses in both the Old and the New Testaments speak against homosexuality.
As for those Christians who say that homosexuals are going to ****. I look at it this way. Say you wanted to go the beach for a vacation and you packed your car with all your beach things and drove off. About halfway down the road you stopped for gas. While in the gas station the attendant notices your beach gear in the car and informs you that the road you are on doesn't go to the beach. It goes to the mountains. Would you tell him that he was being mean for telling you that you are going to a place you don't want to go? No. You would simply ask him to help you make the necessary changes. Christians don't tell homosexuals to go to ****. They just tell them that that's where the road they are on is headed and advise them on how to make the necessary changes.
But homosexuals shouldn't have to change. That's the problem. They can't be accepted for who they are.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Chick Fil-A does not restrict their sales or their hiring to heterosexuals. If a homosexual were to walk in to their restaurant and order he/she would be fed just like anyone else. The phrase "Are you a practicing homosexual? does not appear on their job applications either. They are opposed to the idea of homosexual marriage on Biblical grounds. Numerous verses in both the Old and the New Testaments speak against homosexuality.
As for those Christians who say that homosexuals are going to ****. I look at it this way. Say you wanted to go the beach for a vacation and you packed your car with all your beach things and drove off. About halfway down the road you stopped for gas. While in the gas station the attendant notices your beach gear in the car and informs you that the road you are on doesn't go to the beach. It goes to the mountains. Would you tell him that he was being mean for telling you that you are going to a place you don't want to go? No. You would simply ask him to help you make the necessary changes. Christians don't tell homosexuals to go to ****. They just tell them that that's where the road they are on is headed and advise them on how to make the necessary changes.
That is not true. Not true at all. Chick-Fil-A released a statement about those in leadership positions at the company are "married to our first wives." That directly implies a moral code for management positions. They've opened themselves up to lawsuits with that statement alone and it's not the first time. They've had a reputation for discriminatory, faith-based hiring practices long before this recent exposure.

It doesn't matter to me that they personally oppose gay marriage on Biblical grounds. I do condemn those who campaign to make it illegal. Basically you're saying some discrimination is okay if it's in the Bible. Well why should we all follow your Bible? What if an American company spent millions of dollars in an effort to remove and limit your civil liberties based on the Quran? I'd say that's wrong too! But for some reason, some American Christians believe in supremacy.

What does a Christian tell a gay person that they fear will not go to heaven due to their beliefs? They should mind their own business! It's that simple. It's not like we haven't heard that sort of thing before. We hear it every day and it's extremely disrespectful.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I look at it this way. Say you wanted to go the beach for a vacation and you packed your car with all your beach things and drove off. About halfway down the road you stopped for gas. While in the gas station the attendant notices your beach gear in the car and informs you that the road you are on doesn't go to the beach. It goes to the mountains. Would you tell him that he was being mean for telling you that you are going to a place you don't want to go? No. You would simply ask him to help you make the necessary changes. Christians don't tell homosexuals to go to ****. They just tell them that that's where the road they are on is headed and advise them on how to make the necessary changes.
That is the most nonsensical rationalization of anything I've ever head. That's like saying someone's putting bread in the refrigerator to toast.

And the whole "the bible says blah blah blah Multiple passages about blah blah blah." it DOESN'T come from the word of God, it doesn't come out of the Jesus... it comes out of old time laws and someone that said something said to Moses that one time.

If it was the eleventh commandment, I'd agree... but it's footnote. Unimportant footnotes that DON'T help people become better people. It's demagogging a tiny portion of what Christianity is about, yet shouldn't be.
It doesn't matter to me that they personally oppose gay marriage on Biblical grounds. I do condemn those who campaign to make it illegal. Basically you're saying some discrimination is okay if it's in the Bible. Well why should we all follow your Bible? What if an American company spent millions of dollars in an effort to remove and limit your civil liberties based on the Quran? I'd say that's wrong too! But for some reason, some American Christians believe in supremacy.

What does a Christian tell a gay person that they fear will not go to heaven due to their beliefs? They should mind their own business! It's that simple. It's not like we haven't heard that sort of thing before. We hear it every day and it's extremely disrespectful.
It really is about supremacy. Remember the whole "Building a Mosque near the Twin Towers" fiasco that really wasn't a Mosque nor was it that close to the Towers? We have this whole system where if we insult any other religion out there, there's nothing wrong at all... but Heaven forbid we mock Christians who, let's face it, white straight Christian males have it freaking easy. There is NO war against Christianity, and whatever culture war we have is THROWN at people who just don't care by people who are so easily offended by everything. Hey, don't conservative minded people call that P.C. and whine about it? How come THEY are the only ones who have a right to be offended? I hate that Christian groups want their hang ups as federal law. They shouldn't have a say in our law if they're tax exempt institutions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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That is the most nonsensical rationalization of anything I've ever head. That's like saying someone's putting bread in the refrigerator to toast.

And the whole "the bible says blah blah blah Multiple passages about blah blah blah." it DOESN'T come from the word of God, it doesn't come out of the Jesus... it comes out of old time laws and someone that said something said to Moses that one time.

If it was the eleventh commandment, I'd agree... but it's footnote. Unimportant footnotes that DON'T help people become better people. It's demagogging a tiny portion of what Christianity is about, yet shouldn't be.

It really is about supremacy. Remember the whole "Building a Mosque near the Twin Towers" fiasco that really wasn't a Mosque nor was it that close to the Towers? We have this whole system where if we insult any other religion out there, there's nothing wrong at all... but Heaven forbid we mock Christians who, let's face it, white straight Christian males have it freaking easy. There is NO war against Christianity, and whatever culture war we have is THROWN at people who just don't care by people who are so easily offended by everything. Hey, don't conservative minded people call that P.C. and whine about it? How come THEY are the only ones who have a right to be offended? I hate that Christian groups want their hang ups as federal law. They shouldn't have a say in our law if they're tax exempt institutions.
There's also the fallacy, perpetuated in a previous post, that gay rights and gay marriage will somehow force churches to change their policies. It's an intentionally deceptive fear tactic. There's a climate manufactured by some Christians that there can only be one or the other - gay marriage or Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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There's also the fallacy, perpetuated in a previous post, that gay rights and gay marriage will somehow force churches to change their policies. It's an intentionally deceptive fear tactic. There's a climate manufactured by some Christians that there can only be one or the other - gay marriage or Christianity.
Exactly. No one's telling the Church to change their policies, mainly because they're so stick in the mud stubborn about certain things that they wouldn't change if Jesus himself came back and told them to. Why religion is forbidden to evolve is beyond me. It turns people away if anything. Catholic Priests can't marry or even have girl parts? And then they acted like it was a big surprise when the molestations came out? South Park was freaking right about that. Change makes religion MORE relatable. Why they want to make it a solid stubborn set of indoctrinated behavior modification is beyond me. It's like one of those German Bed Time stories about the monster that cut the thumbs off the boy who sucked them.

YET, these same organizations want to change everyone else's policies to match their own. That whole Creationism being taught in schools thing. That's erasing the line between Church and State. And Creationism is a concept that can't be added to a school curriculum anyway. Every answer is "God did it."

What the heck is up with this "Please respect our beliefs, we don't respect yours" Holier than Thou self inflicted Victimization?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Christians have what they believe as the Word of God. That word is the controlling factor in a lot of people's lives. They live by a certain standard that they live by things that they will not be moved on.
I know that Christians get a bad rep because they are sup toed to love one another and yet preach and teach about hateful things such as death **** and Sin. In fact it is really hard to understand how in the Old Testament God would have whole nations and villages killed in his name.
Yet everyone wants to say that God is a God of love and will try to mold god into what they want him to be, and sadly it dose not work out that way. When man was created he was created in the image of God and was giving the same emoticons as God himself has.
We can get sad, so can God, We can get angry, so can God, we can be happy so can God. I can also show all these in the Bible.
The other problem is that people today they fee that they do not need God, The Bible and most importantly Jesus Christ to tell them how to live. That or turn what they have done and said into something that will fit there own way of life.
When Jesus came onto the earth as a man who would talk and things with the ones that where considered "evil"Jesus loved everyone (and here is what Christians are forgetting including myself) but hatted the "sin" of the person. Jesus was not looking on the outward expressions of man but the inward actions of the heart.
Now there are some radical religious people out there that in the name of God saying very hateful things about the gay community. That is not what the Bible really teaches
As Christians we are support to share the love of Christ through the Gospel the other life issues that people have will come after the most important issue is settled there Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Christians have what they believe as the Word of God. That word is the controlling factor in a lot of people's lives. They live by a certain standard that they live by things that they will not be moved on.
I know that Christians get a bad rep because they are sup toed to love one another and yet preach and teach about hateful things such as death **** and Sin. In fact it is really hard to understand how in the Old Testament God would have whole nations and villages killed in his name.
Yet everyone wants to say that God is a God of love and will try to mold god into what they want him to be, and sadly it dose not work out that way. When man was created he was created in the image of God and was giving the same emoticons as God himself has.
We can get sad, so can God, We can get angry, so can God, we can be happy so can God. I can also show all these in the Bible.
The other problem is that people today they fee that they do not need God, The Bible and most importantly Jesus Christ to tell them how to live. That or turn what they have done and said into something that will fit there own way of life.
When Jesus came onto the earth as a man who would talk and things with the ones that where considered "evil"Jesus loved everyone (and here is what Christians are forgetting including myself) but hatted the "sin" of the person. Jesus was not looking on the outward expressions of man but the inward actions of the heart.
Now there are some radical religious people out there that in the name of God saying very hateful things about the gay community. That is not what the Bible really teaches
As Christians we are support to share the love of Christ through the Gospel the other life issues that people have will come after the most important issue is settled there Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord!
:super: Well said. I agree with the heart of your statement. Sharing is great! How are we supposed to learn about one another without sharing? The Bible should only be a controlling factor to those who choose to live by it. I said this earlier, but it bears repeating. In-N-Out Burger prints little Bible verses on their packaging. I think that's a beautiful way the owners chose of sharing their beliefs.

:search: CFA's president Cathy, on the other hand, has used inflammatory and insulting rhetoric for those who don't agree with him and uses his restaurant's politics to fund what he believes to be Biblically sanctioned prejudice. That's what makes me sad. It doesn't have to be that way. 90% of the Christians I know don't behave like that. :sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I have not yet read the statment from Cathy, but if what you and others have said is true then that is not the way a Christian or a Christian bussness should be ran.
I'm all for others sharing what they believe but they should not be so closed minded to not let me or whomever share there believes as well. (if done nicely)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I have not yet read the statment from Cathy, but if what you and others have said is true then that is not the way a Christian or a Christian bussness should be ran.
I'm all for others sharing what they believe but they should not be so closed minded to not let me or whomever share there believes as well. (if done nicely)
Again, the main problem is that most Christians act like being homosexual is the only sin there is, and a tremendous sin at that... it's if someone is a thief, an adulterer, a murder, they take a "God have mercy and help them" attitude towards them but if someone is a homosexual, they take this, "Spawn of Satan, rebuke them" attitude.

Again, there's a LOT WORSE things that any one person can be than a homosexual, so all things consider, if a Christians are going to spend their every waking moment condemning a specific group of people, they could direct that energy to people who actually do actual harm, like people who ransack other people's home and make off with their irreplacables, or people who go around their spouse's or significant other's backs and fool around with other people, or people who run around killing other people for no reason, than people who just happen to love other people of their own sex.