Has Frank Oz's opinion on the new movie changed?

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Regarding him not doing voices for fans, he's often said that the characters are too precious to him for him to just do the voices when fans ask, feeling it cheapens the characters a bit. Though I remember seeing one interview (I think it came out around the time of Star Wars Episode III, or maybe when Death at a Funeral was in production) where he said that when members of the cast and crew of his movies ask, he'll tell them he'll only do the voices for them on the last day of filming (but what if it's somebody who won't be there on the last day?), having said something about doing so otherwise would cause the cast and crew to not take him seriously enough as a director.

And I've seen a clip of Oz on The Today Show in the early '80s where the person who interviewed him asked him to talk in Cookie Monster and Grover's voices having a conversation, which he obliged. But maybe he didn't feel that way about the voices back then.

I don't know in that interview he said Disney hasn't asked him yet. Which after saying such things about the film I don't think they will now. LOL!
I don't think he said anything too bad about the movie or the company.

Mo Frackle

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Jun 4, 2011
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You never know. They might ask him. Though he'll likely decline any offers, but that's okay.


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Mar 11, 2012
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I don't think their gonna be asking him. And yeah he probably would decline but still I don't think Disney really cares about Frank to be honest. Besides their not gonna just kick Eric Jacobson to the curb. Lol!


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Mar 11, 2012
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Regarding him not doing voices for fans, he's often said that the characters are too precious to him for him to just do the voices when fans ask, feeling it cheapens the characters a bit.
He's also said before he really can't do voices like he used to particularly Piggy because she's too high pitched. He has also said in old video footage done in the 1970's-1980's at the time when performing her it was hard singing high notes

Mo Frackle

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Jun 4, 2011
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Sure, Disney probably wouldn't do that to Eric (who has done an amazing job with Frank's characters). But Steve Whitmire has said that if Frank wanted to come back, Eric would be okay with it.


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Mar 11, 2012
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Sure, Disney probably wouldn't do that to Eric (who has done an amazing job with Frank's characters). But Steve Whitmire has said that if Frank wanted to come back, Eric would be okay with it.
That's not their decision to make though that's a business thing. And like I said I honestly don't think Disney wants Frank. Don't get me wrong I would LOVE LOVE to see Frank come back in some capacity with The Muppets even if he can't really do voices anymore but the reality is that's more then likely not gonna happen.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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I wonder if any of the people who matter at Disney have even read these interviews with Frank where he's talked about the movie. But now I wonder if studios ever banned any celebrities or creative talents who talked badly about past films they made that the individuals didn't like or didn't like working on (Frank Oz has said that he didn't like how his The Stepford Wives turned out, does that mean he'll never direct another film from the company that made The Stepford Wives?).

I don't know whether this is the place to post this, but Frank usually performs on Sesame Street one day a year, and he said in the interview that he would perform for Muppets if Disney asked him (of course I wouldn't be surprised if he turned down an offer anyway), but I wonder if he would perform for The Jim Henson Company again if asked. I don't know how likely Henson would ask, but it would be interesting if he performed a Stuffed and Unstrung performance, or even if he had a cameo role in that upcoming Henson murder mystery (if it ever gets made).


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Mar 11, 2012
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He didn't say he'd perform with the Muppets if Disney asked him he said they HAVENT asked him. Big difference there.

Now I heard and I don't wanna spread unfounded rumors so take what I say on this with a grain of salt but I had heard Frank doesn't really speak to Jim's kids. Again don't quote me on that but I did hear that at one time. How true it is I have no idea.