Recent content by AHaHaHa

  1. A

    Five Favorite Characters

    5. Snuffleupagus. If I'd been watching in the 70's I probably would have been too freaked out (those eyes!), but as a kid I was really into dinosaurs and he was the closest thing to a wooly mammoth on tv. 4. Grover. Two words:Super Grover. Bless his little cotton socks. 3. Cookie Monster...
  2. A

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hallo Everybody! I'm Helen, and I'm a Count-a-holic. I've always been a big fan of the Muppets and was raised on a steady diet of Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock. I've had a bit of spare time recently and a sesame street youtube glut ended with me going a little search engine crazy. So...