Recent content by CoryEdwards

  1. C

    Fraggle Rock Event!

    From the Director I've read enough posts on the fate of this film to at least correct some information. I'm sorry that some of you feel that the "only Fraggle movie that's possible" is a direct-to-DVD movie. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is currently budgeted to be one of...
  2. C

    Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie

    Hey guys... I just blogged about the "script review," so you can hear a bit from the horse's mouth... The short version is: I'm pretty disappointed this happened, and I never approved giving this script out to anyone. Cory Edwards
  3. C

    Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie

    From the Director Interesting discussion (I told you I'd be reading!). The words "remake" and "reboot" seem to have become dirty words, so I won't use them here. But in order to make the BEST MOVIE I can, some things from the series have to change. Hopefully, you will feel that the changes...
  4. C

    Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie

    Hello From the Fraggle Rock Director Hey guys. I've finally decided to take the plunge on this forum and say "Hi." While I have been warned about getting too caught up in the internet posts and comments, I want to read them because I want to know what's important to fans and what they are...
  5. C

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hello from the Fraggle Rock Director Hi there. This is Cory Edwards, writer and director of the new Fraggle Rock movie. I've been warned not to get too caught up in internet posting, but I enjoy knowing what the fans are talking about and reading about what is important to them. And when I...