Recent content by Graham Martin

  1. G

    Who are these Muppets?

    Thank you for all of your help! I have been a long time lurker. Always great info here! Updated list: Animal Beaker and Bunson Honeydew Crazy Harry Dr. Teeth Eagle, Sam The Fozzie Bear Gonzo Hilda Irving Bizarre Janice Kermit Lou Zealand Miss Piggy Newsman Otto Pepe Quongo Rolf Statler...
  2. G

    Who are these Muppets?

    Thanks so much. Never seen that before! Anyone else know I and Q?
  3. G

    Who are these Muppets?

    We received the following poster from a friend and are having a hard time identifying the following missing letters. We think they are as follows: Animal Beaker and Bunson Honeydew Crazy Harry Dr. Teeth Eagle, Sam The Fozzie Bear Gonzo Hilda I? Janice Kermit Lou Zealand Miss Piggy N? News Guy...
  4. G

    The real reason why Bear ended

    Link or other citation?