Recent content by invisabell

  1. invisabell

    PuppetProject pattens any good?

    Thanks. I was wondering if I should ask my mom fo one for christmas, and now I will.
  2. invisabell

    PuppetProject pattens any good?

    Sorry if this has already been asked but. Im a beginer and I was wondering if the simple series from Puppet were a good place to start.
  3. invisabell

    Who's Your Favorite/Least Favorite TMS Character?

    My favorites would be Statler and waldorf, they just make me smile even when I don't understand the joke.
  4. invisabell

    How did you discover Fraggle Rock?

    My mom says it was my favorite show when i was like 4. we didn't have HBO but we live in Canada and I'm pretty sure it showed on basic cable up here. I remembered enogh of the show to know i liked it (my tastes havent realy changed much the last 20 years:coy:) to pick up the Box sets, got hooked...
  5. invisabell

    The only downside to watching the last episodes of FR...

    They are playing it on teletoon in canada. :busy:
  6. invisabell

    The Fraggles Look for Jobs

    :excited:I havn't seen it at all so I'd like a link.:excited: please...
  7. invisabell

    Fraggle Rock Season 4 may not be released separately

    "Fall 2008" is a bit generic. I want an actual date! then I won't have to check the store every tuesday.