Recent content by Janice's Boy

  1. J

    Janice, Rowlf, Zoot & Beaker

    and another thing Janice was, indeed on Muppet Babies as an older muppet. NOT a teen, but I believe she was 5-6, maybe 7. I still remember watching that show all the time and thnking: WHERE is Janice? And one day, THERE SHE WAS! Made me all warm inside. lol. I would LOVE to see the Janice...
  2. J

    Janice, Rowlf, Zoot & Beaker

    error in Byron's website Byron, your webpage would not open. :( I'm looking forward to seeing it. K, here's some responses to another thread posted: JANICE RULES THE MUPPET WRESTLING FEDERATION! oh.......and since Byron can't choose between Janice and Mokey, I...
  3. J

    Repaint Janice...

    Hello All......nice to talk to other Muppet fanatics! So all my life, and i'm only 23, I've been dying to get anything with Janice on it. I can't explain why she's my favorite, but she is. When I saw that they were making new Muppet figures, I was SO hoping they would make the...