Recent content by Lana Thurlow

  1. Lana Thurlow

    What's your favorite "Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss" episode?

    I first saw TWWODS in 1998 I taped it from the TV when it was on in 1998. My fave had to have been ' Urtel the King '. I like Ballard stories and the message it sent. I had this one on DVD now, and now show it to my 3 year old daughter who also loves the show. I always liked Dr. Suss in general...
  2. Lana Thurlow

    Over 30 Vintage Fraggle Rock Items

    Do you have pictures of this collection?
  3. Lana Thurlow

    Fraggle rock sewing patterns! Anyone made these?

    Good job for your first try at this. I really like how you designed her she looks so cute. :)