Recent content by Miss Becstar

  1. M

    Is Kermit adventurous?

    I think kermit did I think that kermit did care bout having adventures and having fun! the movies i can think of he's singing and having a great time! I think he's been on plenty of adventures with more to come no doubt! :)
  2. M

    Controversial Topics

    I would have to agree I would have to agree with this as i feel its not that hard to meet someone outside and not on the computer! the only thing i really have a problem with is you dont know who you are talking to or seeing! not all people are bad but you just dont know! :(
  3. M

    The Can't Sleep Thread

    Yeah it can be hard to get to sleep at night but its the best time of the day as you don't get disturbed and you can do what you want! within reason of cause! i find it hard tho to go to bed early with shift work cause of the different hours that i work! it just throws you around!:):sleep:
  4. M

    A Sesame Street Thriller

    Pretty impressive i enjoyed that! i have to say i think michael jackson would be happy with the clip to
  5. M

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    G'day everybody how are we? I was totally stoaked to find this website! Well have fun and hope to talk to you all soon!:):coy: