Recent content by SOTTH

  1. SOTTH

    Your Thoughts: "The Muppets" Theatrical Film

    I took my kids to see the film while mom/wife was out Black Friday shopping. My kids are like me; they like going to the movies and will see just about anything. And while I've tried to expose them to the Muppets, I've never pushed the Muppets on them. Mostly because I live with the belief...
  2. SOTTH

    How did SS evolve from "schoolhouse" to "entertainment?"

    The early Sesame Street model was a departure from the other educational shows of the era, but as Drtooth mentioned, that format was all anyone knew, and so Sesame Street ended up looking a lot like it. The difference is, CTW was always interested in finding newer and better ways to teach...
  3. SOTTH

    Was the early, non-Kevin Clash Elmo ever in any street scenes?

    I've always assumed this was the case. They had a red monster that looked good, and everybody tried to do something with it and could never bring much life to it, but it was never really a "character" - even a minor character. The earliest appearance I could think of seeing him was on "Follow...
  4. SOTTH

    Muppet Impressions

    You did an awesome job on these, man! I've always had the mimic's ear and my Muppet impressions are pretty good, but yours put mine to shame! Side note: if you have kids, being able to do all sorts of Muppet impressions makes you the coolest dad on the block for the first few years. It's a...
  5. SOTTH

    Which performer should get a documentary next?

    I second beakerboy12's comments on Dave Goelz. There's a great story there. Not just that he wasn't a performer originally, but that he was a design/technical guy. I think there's a great story to be told about finding character not through the typical "right brain" methods, but through the...
  6. SOTTH

    The JHLC

    D.W. brings up a great topic. Not enough is said about Jim as a performer. So, I ask: what Jim Henson performances are your favorites? Lately, I've been really enjoying watching Jim's self-important dumb-guy characters like Link Hogthrob. I just tonight finished watching the Muppet sketches...
  7. SOTTH

    The JHLC

    I've also been following this thread for awhile and surprised it hasn't caught on more. But I assume it has to do with Jim being the genesis of this whole Muppet universe; he's so much a part of everything Muppet-related, it's hard to separate him out from everything else. In the way people...
  8. SOTTH

    Greetings from a longtime lurker!

    Thanks, Fraggline! I hope you get a chance to listen and enjoy it! I'm up late tonight mixing the podcast for release Monday. Up this week: Gonzo The Great as existential archetype / inspiration! :concern:
  9. SOTTH

    Muppet Mindset Interview with Kevin Clash

    Great job, Prawnie! That is too cool. Kevin seems like an awesome guy, aside from being so talented.
  10. SOTTH

    Cantus Quotes

    Gobo: "But where do I look?" Cantus: "Wherever there is something to find." I like the lesson of that. Don't start with a specific end in mind; start the journey and one of the zillion ends will make itself known to you.
  11. SOTTH

    A Muppet Fandom Documentary

    I think this sounds like a great idea, as well! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know!
  12. SOTTH

    Ten Years Ago This Month (January 2011)

    Congratulations on the anniversary and 'bravo" on the website! Ten years is a long time in "internet years". Ms. Gold is such a worthy subject. That beautiful voice! And her version of "Bring Him Home" at Jim Henson's Memorial Service is so overwhelmingly heartbreaking...
  13. SOTTH

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Greetings, everyone! Longtime lurker, first-time poster! (Finally posting and joining in the fun is one of my New Year's Resolutions!) I'm an avid Henson fan who is proudly ensuring his kids carry the Muppet torch forward! Nice to meet you all!
  14. SOTTH

    Greetings from a longtime lurker!

    Hey, Folks! I've been a lurker on this board for a while. I finally enrolled about a few months back with the intent of posting, but... I'm not the most extroverted person. However, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to reach out to people a little more. And since you all have given...