New season of Sesame Street


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2002
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I'm so happy! Sesame street definetly was in the pits a couple years ago, but they are coming back strong!!!

Grover is getting his own segment! TAKE THAT ELMO!!!
-and he's been given a fair amount of screen time lately!

we finally get to see sesame muppets with their actual relatives! I always thought it would be great to have the real international grouches in Elmo in Grouchland...don't you think? I mean...they all would live there and go back to the "real world" through their trashcans! That would have been awesome! This segment should be great though-introducing kids to different cultures and teaching them tolerance of people of all kinds-great idea.

Global thingy should be good...and I hope they start making Elmo's world shorter...I love him but it's a little too much.

Bert and Ernie have been kind of in the background for a LONG has gotten better...I mean, ernie has a voice again, but they haven't been major characters for a while! I can't wait to see them have a whole episode together again!

*prays for more snuffleupagus and BARKLEY!!!*

WHOAH there....I should probably shut up now....

but I am soooooo happy! :excited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2002
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i cant wait for bert and ernie in a whole episode too. luckily it is gonna happen this week so i'm happy about that. this first week is interesting, because in a thread that i started, i noted that this week there will be a show around Cookie Monster, B and E, and Grover. Now if they can only do the same with The Count ... but who knows what the season has in store but I'll be taping and and watching it when I get home from school


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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If any of you are taping these, Please could you keep us updated for the Sesame Street Encyclopedia ?

We will be needing pictures of the new Muppets or Muppet Relations that show up too !



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2002
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holy COW!!!

MOOOOOvin' right along!

Gladys the cow is BACK! she was given a lot to do this episode and it looks like she's going to be here this season and on! yay!

so what do you guys think of the new season?
I love the new grover segment, it's nice to see more grover and actual people as well...

here's my ideal sesame street:

A short "on the street" segment. (introduces problem)
The number of the day
animated short
A song "on the street"
Global grover
A long "on the street" segment. (solves problem)
The letter of the day
A shorter "journey to ernie"
Ernie and Bert sketch
A short "on the street" segment. (summarizes problem)

(of course it would be very flexible-things could change around)

Is it just me or is Elmo's world actually getting LONGER???

More classic characters! We want Barkley, Snuffy, Forgetful Jones, Don Music, Sherlock Hemlock, Guy smiley, and less of Baby bear, Elmo, and monsters clubhouse!
(or is that just me?)

and what is UP with "Global thingy"????????????????!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, I'll add here, what I didn't before.....

Firstly, Global Thingy was just filler to me.. it didn't do anything for me at all. I mean, I love the little independant animators who have worked for Sesame over the years (Pixar, Mo Williams, and John R. Dilworth) but that made no sense to me....

Global Grover was good, just not what I've expected. I thought they'd physically show around the world clips, not just the same kid interviews.

The Number? letter of the day was recycled... I mean, they used them at least twice last season, make new ones....

Ernie has been around a lot, Bert has been shoved into the BG tho....

Elmo's world is at least getting a little better.....

Gladys should hopefully be back to stay, hopefully we'll see Forgetful Jones or Guy smiley, but I doubt it. maybe other characters may come back by the end of the season, and maybe next year.

Alphaboy should be illegal... it can put coffee to sleep...

The "You got a letter... open the letter" is so patronizing... they should chuck that too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2002
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yeah...Elmo's world should be way shorter...but the episode was really good this time...I mean they gave the two headed monster 3 lines or so (although, you could say that it's really 6 :wink:), snuffy was there, and gladys got a lot of stuff to do! I really wish they could push baby bear, elmo, and those stupid monster's clubhouse muppets back into the background, I mean, that's what they're doing to bert! He's so much more important than those guys...I think I could love baby bear and elmo if there wasn't so MUCH of them! it's insane! my favorite new guys are: telly-you gotta love him! and Rosita. Zoe is ok...but she hasn't really developed yet...and elmo is great as a character...but not as the only character! *throws up* and baby bear's cool...but he's not very I'd like it if they threw those guys in the background a bit and give the classic characters some space again!!! how long has it been since the count was actually interacting with anyone???!!!!

this is the end of my rant!


Philip Kippel

I think that it would be great to see Kermit back on the street again.

The Street's not the same without the frog.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Well, I think it would be good to bring Herbert Birdsfoot back, because I think Kermit won't be on Sesame Street anymore. I guess is that we want Roosevelt Franklin, Biff and Sully, Little Bird, Granny Fannie Nesselrode, Lefty the Salesman and Sherlock Hemlock...but we don't want Harvey Kneeslapper, because some people didn't like him, was a 1-note joker and the laughing was too hard for Frank Oz, and we don't want Sam the Machine as well, because he walks so slow and was dull. Sam is only shown on early SS. I watched him for the first time on #536 at the television museum in NYC during my 2002-2003 school year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I agree they should use more old clips!

Philip Kippel

Originally posted by mikealan
Well, I think it would be good to bring Herbert Birdsfoot back, because I think Kermit won't be on Sesame Street anymore.
Well, the least they can do is re-show Kermit pieces from the past.