Hensonville City 2011

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Downstairs... Count and Uncle D depart en route for a night at the HV Bat, Bolt & Skull. Ed hunkers down with a glass of milk going through the package just received from Aunt Ru now that he has a better idea thanks to the preliminary cheat notes.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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And now, in an attempt to help further the betterment of western-eastern relations... Kicking Odie off the table, Russian style!
*Fatatita dances, kicking her rear left leg out, advances to the center of the counter before kicking her rear right leg out, then nears her target kicking out with her rear left leg again sending the stuffed Odie plush flying.

Whatdya expect? It was Russian Appreciation night over at the Warner Brother's—and the Warner Sister's—water tower.

*Count and Uncle Deadly are in cossack costumes, dancing the mamushka... They dance the dance... Of brotherly love. Mamushka!

*Junie arrives with an order of Fried Chicken Kiev with P's and Q's salad and monster mashed potatoes on the side.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rowlf catches the stuffed Odie Aww poor pupster You OK buddy? Yeah.. I know.. it's a dog's life huh? S'OK.. You can stay here tonight.

Chef :Chiggun Kiev huh? Hmm last time I tried mekking thet it wuz a disaster! But my mashed taters are der nummer nummer!

Meanwhile Gaffer evilly grins at the idea of what her sister in paw has done and is looking at Odie.

I scoop her up Don't you DARE think of any bad ideas miss. Or no Video Catnip & treats for you for a week


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Rizzo: Love you, Auntie Ru!
Ru: (smiling and scratching Rizzo's distended belly) Just "cupboard love," I'm afraid.
Rizzo: If there's another pie like that in the cupboard, I'll love the cupboard.
Ru: (laughing) No, sweetie--I meant...um, "cupboard love" means you love me because I cook for you.
Rizzo: I certainly do.
Ru: (teasing with mock indignation) And that's the only reason?
Rizzo: You do laundry, too.
Ru: (sigh)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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We give Prairie her gifts . A sundress from me & Robin A musical note charm from Rowlf & sandals from Chef. She's thrilled by all of them! :smile:
She heads to the Street to celebrate her bday w/her family.
(I don't mean to sound so abrupt about PD's bday. But I'm still feeling blah:ouch: :rolleyes: )

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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At least it sounds like Prairie will have a nice time with her family.

*Leaves a couple other gifts for PD, including a gift card to shop at the CD/album store at HV Mall and a purple P charm from us to her.

:insatiable: Can me help Chef make the cake?
Why don't you make her your special cookies instead.
:insatiable: Oh, that a terrific idea!
*Cookie gathers ingredients for his famous family cookies as a gift for Prairie later when she returns to the townhouse.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (sighs in bed): Thanks for singing for me, Spike.

Spike (at a desk, eating a towering sandwich): I don't sing.

Kelly: Sure you do. Here I was, depressed over being met with overt hostility at work a couple of weeks ago, plus that great promotion is tied up in enough red tape to wrap the moon, and here you were, while in my dream my family was watching --.

Spike: If you say "SVU" ...

Kelly (tries the puppy dog eyes look): But ... Stabler was cosplaying as you ... and singing directly to me ... Why would I dream that if you weren't singing to me in reality?

Spike (eats his sandwich)

Kelly (smiles): Thanks, though. I feel a lot better now. :smile:


Kelly (just got off the phone from the boss): Weird.

Spike: What?

Kelly: The boss just called me. Next week is orientation and he wants me to teach it. *squees*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Cookie Monster goes about the townhouse, delivering some of his famed apple-walnut-raisin cookies to the residents at each apartment. He even made some cuppycakes with raisins and grated apples and walnuts for :busy:, leaving a note to know what Kelly might want should she want something.

:insatiable: Me not only world's greatest cookie eater... Me also good at making cookies too.
Hopefully it turns out better than when a certain orange cat tries making his favorite food.
:insatiable: Wha?
Never mind. I'll be in here if anyone needs me.

*Ed sets to fixing an issue with his bank/credit card payment.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Comes back downstairs to Apt 1 with a sign of relief on his face.

:batty: Vhat's the matter?
Me: I'm just glad that Aunt Ru's with her roomies all safe and sound, that she won't be waking up in a bed with sheets bearing bull-stampeding hoofmarks.
UD: *stage whispering: Someone's still got Kelly's defrightful fic stuck in their mind.
Me: No! I'm serious! Why couldn't they leave well enough alone? We don't need the stupidity of "running with the bulls" here in the United States! ! ! Leave that for all the maroons who go to Spain each year.
:batty: But vhat about the people who can't make it to Spain?
Me: Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. There's one thing I have to say to those people... Let the dream die! ! !
*Hopes Kim (Slackbot) and Kelly or Kyle won't be in this when the runs head to Atlanta and then Houston after this weekend's initial run in Richmond.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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(Newsie and Snookie watch in trepidation as Carl the Big Mean Matador adjusts his hat in the mirror and tosses his cape masterfully over a chair)

:news: You don't suppose he's thinking of...

Snookie: No, I don't. He doesn't think. He eats.

BMC: Voila! Andalays potato chips! Get over here, you bulls! Carne amonstrua tonight!

*outside the apt*
Whew. Thanks for helping me move back in, guys...

Rat movers: Yeah, yeah. Whatevah. Cheese yet?

Rhonda: I think Goldie missed you.

I've missed him too. Was he grumpy?

Rhonda: Who, Mr Barking the News in My Face Every Night? Nah. What makes you think that? Anyhoo, gotta run...hot date with a bodybuilder!

Thanks, Rhonda. Seeya. (Kris looks up at the townhouse, hearing the usual cacophany of baying, oinking, baaing, growling, and assorted screams.) Yep. It's like I never left...
