Top 3 Muppet Movie Villains

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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In order I would have to say this.

  1. Nicky Holiday
  2. Constantine
  3. Doc Hopper


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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If only Muppet villians then- Doc Hopper, Nicky Holiday , and Silver they're the great ones. If any Henson villians then it's Doc Hopper, Jareth, and the Sekisis from Dark Crystal. (don't know if I spelled that right)
Ok I'd like to trade Long John Silver for Constantine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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1 Doc Holiday
2 Long John Silver
3 Constantine
4 Nicky Holiday
5 Dominic Badguy
6 Tex Richman
7 K Edgar Singer

Mark Johns

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
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I guess it all depends on your criteria. Doc Hopper wanted Kermit dead. Nick Holiday framed Miss Piggy. Tex Richman wanted to destroy the Muppets and wipe them off the map. Dominic Badguy was played by the great Gervais. Ms bitter an was played fantastically by Joan Cusack. Constantine was played very well, too.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
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  1. Nicky holiday (fantastic character, wish they'd delved into his past a bit, looked like he had a lot of layers to explore)
  2. Tex richman (again a total great villain)
  3. Doc hopper (good bad guy but his soft voice and appearence let's him down a bit IMO)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'd have to make mine a top 4...

1) Doc Hopper, obviously. He was a dangerous villain that wanted Kermit so bad, he wouldn't mind having him dead. Pretty dark stuff in an otherwise wacky film. Even darker than Mel Brooks as a Nazi scientist.

2) Long John Silver. Mainly for the fact that Tim Curry hammed it the heck up and had a lot of fun in the film. Shame he hasn't worked with the Muppets since other than voice over for that Sesame Street Christmas Carol and the Milk ads.

3) Constantine. He became my favorite new Muppet character in short time. I really hope he doesn't disappear with MMW

4) Who doesn't love Nicky Holiday? May not have been their most dangerous villain, but a slimeball none the less.

As for the other villains...

I'd call Dr. Singer somewhat of a Knights Templar antagonist over a villain. he wasn't so much evil, but obsessed. Still, if there was a fifth entry from me, he'd be on it. His interactions with Gonzo and Bobo are some of the best things that film had to offer.

Tex Richman's very good if you count the full version of his story. That level of vindictiveness makes the villain more rounded out than the petty oilman that just wanted land.

And as much as Rachel Bitterman was ably performed by Joan Cussack, I just don't think she was that much of an actual threat. Her motives were no more than wanting a deed to expire to get land. Sure, she was nasty and cheated a bit, but not so much evil as a greedy jerkwad.

Scrooge does not count. He wasn't a villain, he was his own worst enemy.

And, for the sake of the subject...

The Sleaze Brothers were pretty bad, though more like greedy jerks than actual threatening evil. While Mrs. Finch is an antagonist. Her motives weren't actually bad, much less evil. She thought she was acting towards the greater good for Big Bird, making her more of a Knights Templar figure.

And of course, Huxley. A funny, affable type that doesn't really manage to make anything more than a standard preschool show villain. His "evil" is based on bad behavior in younger kids, which is used to make a bad example and to not scare the crap out of the little ones watching.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I'll make two lists (one for my favorites, and another for those I found least likable (which is, in my opinion, a compliment. It means the villain is convincing):


1. Long John Silver
2. Nicky Holiday
3. Constantine

Most unlikable (remember, a compliment):

1. Miss Bitterman
2. Doc Hopper
3. Don't really know if there's a third most unlikable...


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
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1. Constantine
For obvious reasons. I think he won just about everyone over with "I'll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)" and, in spite of being a Muppet himself, he is one of the most ruthless villains yet.

2. Long John Silver
I agree with @Drtooth, he hammed it up but that was the best thing about his performance. He was the perfect pirate and was a giant factor in making Muppet Treasure Island one of my favorite Muppet movies.

3. Nicky Holiday
He's a great villain and, while zany, he's the most believable villains. His romance with Piggy was also something that was a neat device that brought conflict to the character, conflict that made the character the believable, dimensional way he is.