Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Now that I'm cleaning the chapter for my hardcopy, there are a couple other little things.

Seymour being annoyed by Piggy and Kermit being connected by some sort of invisible bond.
Yeah, you don't recognize that bond, do you. It's called, what was that word... Oh yeah, matrimony, they're "married". Dumkoff.

The part where Gonzo shows up in the limo to pick up Kermit, it doesn't quite make sense to me. Send a PM to clarify, cause I'm not sure if he "pulled into traffic" to "pull out", or viceversa. And it's even more complicated when Gonzo changes lanes later during the drive.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ima wondering if the recent brake-up or if even Denise will provide Scribbler with any fodder to keep his boss off his back, especially since Kermit's on his way to NYC to finally meet Piggy on Broadway.

BTW: There's a viewing party for tonight in the HVC townhouse's common room.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Nope. I'm not in the mood for Denise--not now. Not later.

I'm not in the mood for anything I saw tonight, because I'm not just seeing it as a "Hollywood couple break-up." (And isn't it sad that we all know what that means?)

The world sees Piggy as a champion of feminism.

So what does Kermit do? Kermit starts dating a younger, thinner, more docile pig who fawns over him, enables him and--unforgivably for me, a true Southerner--has a ridiculous Southern accent. At least Piggy's fake accent was endearing.

This is so...wrong. But if this is how Kermit is--diminished by Piggy's success--then he doesn't deserve her and shouldn't have her.

She is strong! She is W-O-P-I-G! She is independent (which is good, because she clearly cannot count on Kermit to be steadfast and loyal) and capable of finding her own way in the world. Piggy didn't crawl into herself, hole up in a state of denial and depression and forget all of the people who were depending on her. She went on, alone and undaunted, and made a name for herself in another field.

And yet--when Kermit needed her, like he needs her now, she came back, saving everyone's bacon in the process.

The people who are writing the show now want to insist that Kermit was only "playing" her boyfriend. What Kermit was actually doing was playing Piggy, and for that I don't forgive him.

You l know I've been at this story for a while You should know by now that I'm trustworthy, and I'll see my promise's right on through to a happy ending. Eventually.

But I'm not in the mood to tell it right now, and I think Kermit can just stay where he is for a while.

I hope the "writers" wise up and right this folly, but if they don't, so be it. Piggy and I will be just fine either way.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Respecting your opinion Aunt Ru, and we'll be here to read when you are ready to post more of this fic or novel or whatever you call it. And you know I love this thing just as much as you do after all the hard work and love you put into it.

But maybe it's my storyline cynicism that tells me there'll be a big "Yoink!" moment possibly as a season finale/cliffhanger that will see the two of them back together at the end. Either that or they keep playing these Hollywood games. And this is the fanfic section, so we can choose to ignore certain aspects or characters of the overall Muppet universe if we wish. Just saying I'll be here every time there's a new chapter posted cause we've come too far to not encourage you to keep going until it's truly finished.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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It took months, but I have finally caught up to the last chapter! I was so worried about the mysterious head boss newspaper guy was gonna once again derail our happy reunion, but then you go and make Gonzo and the boys drop the ultimate surprise! Head to Broadway, you crazy frog!

Not going to say anything about Stalky Seymour cause I think we remember how I feel about him (No likey)

And speaking of ultimate drops, Aunt Ru just mic dropped the building! I was totally hoping to get back into the swing of things before the show started and if boom didn't go the relationship dynamite! I was, of course, not happy, but a part of me said, "Self! The frog and pig are the Taylor and Burton of Muppets. They shall come back to each other." I give it 11 minutes, but we'll see. I'm hoping that the writers will see the pig is just what the frog needs - spontaneous, out spoken, and willing to stand up to him - while the pig needs the more stable, calmer frog to balance her out.

I did just have a HIMYM thought moment - I'd like to think that there are still feelings on both sides and while they aren't dating, they'll still friends. So in the scheme of things, I'm hoping something happens where Kermit is there for Piggy, starts spending even more non-professional time with her, Denise (is that her name?) doesn't like it and gives the ultimatum of it's her or me.

In fact...I'm hoping that'll be set up at some point, cause Kermit's brain may tell him that he wants someone he can finally keep in line and control, his heart is very much against it. After all, if Kermit wanted people he could control and would listen to him, he wouldn't have hired the lunatics he has now.

And that went off tangent. I'm just tangenting all over the place today! It's the fever. That's my excuse.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hugs Gina for finally coming back.

Yes, Denise is the new pig's name. Funnily enough that gives us five female pigs part of the Muppets cast now.
Everybody here pretty much expects the Kermit+Denise ship to be a temporary thing, they'll brake up, and then Kermit and Piggy will reunite. Basically, a huge "Yoink!" moment.

BTW: Said this in my initial thoughts post, but I fannishly smiled during the meeting scene in the first episode because I've been spoiled with those in your fics. Yeah, dropped a plug there. :electric:

Stalky Seymour, nice, nice nickname. Nobody likes him, but he brings the crazy villain role for Piggy while Scribbler's boss does the same for Kermit.

There's so many layers to this wonderful fic, especially when you go back and read it all. Now we just have to wait for the next chapter.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The whole series has a serious cringy aspect to it that rubs me the wrong way honestly.....some of the things in this new series seems like something I would write! And I've written some off-the-wall stuff that makes you wonder what the heck I was thinking!!!! ....I mean really? Turning "he's a bear" type accusations into like....he's a minority or something? That really was what caught my eye and OPENED it. ....Denise...I could take or leave her honestly. As a short-lived fling (I sincerely believe that she'll be yesterday's breakfast bacon soon...I hope.)

And I agree with you, Ru. The accent was atrocious. Not really sure if she was supposed to be from, like, Tennessee or some other southern state, but her's was a muddled cringy accent that reeked of trying too hard!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Would be nice to get an update, but I understand if you've been busy with other projects like the rest of us. Hope you have a happy holiday season Aunt Ru. *Leaves some 15 cookies, thanks for being a great friend. :jim:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bon anniversaire to one of the longest-running fanfics we have here, congratulations, it's Kermie's Girl's 10th birthday! For ten years this novel opus has entertained all of us many times as there are so many plotlines and hidden gems to pick through if you sit down and decide to read it from first page to its latest chapter. Aunt Ru should be proud of herself for creating something that's lasted and held in such a cherished spot to those of us who keep coming in to plug away, hoping an update will materialize whenever the authoress graces us with her presence.

Happy birthday, look forward to whatever's next. :concern: :shifty: :smile: :mad: :jim:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Bon anniversaire to one of the longest-running fanfics we have here, congratulations, it's Kermie's Girl's 10th birthday!

Happy birthday, look forward to whatever's next. :concern: :shifty: :smile: :mad: :jim:
Whoa! Happy b-day KG! I'm hoping that Aunt Ru returns for the next chapter cause...I gotta know what happens.

On a side - though related - rant, is there a reason today's TV writers don't bother to check their own work? I mean, I freaked out cause I may have gotten my days wrong in one of my stories, however on network television, writers - who get PAID to DO THIS - create characters, backgrounds, and personas and then without any thought, change it despite the fact that the writing doesn't even match.

I'm looking at you, OUAT. You're lazy, admit it, cause we all know it.

But the Muppets were just as bad, hence the quick turn around in the middle of the first season, which as much as it hurts is probably the ONLY season. Who in the writers' room said to themselves "you know what the fans would love? Kermit and Piggy breaking up! The kids just love celebrity break ups!"

No. No we don't and we certainly don't appreciate a break up that didn't need to happen. I refuse to believe that the Muppets' writers are actual fans of the Muppets.

With that all said, it appears that in order for me to get the quality TV I want that's not being developed by Netflix, I must rely on you - my writing brethren - to deliver to us all the stories we wanted from the beginning.

So...that means that...KG is kinda like Netflix. The last chapter was the season finale and now we must wait a year before we get the latest season. okay with that. This is my quality Muppet show that I wanted from the beginning and I shall wait eagerly for the next "season". :big_grin: