Remembering Jim Henson, 26 years after May 16, 1990


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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It's hard to believe it has been 26 years since Jim's passing on May 16, 1990. Like many of you, we'll never forget that day. Share your memories of May 16, 1990 and the impact Jim Henson continues to have on your life. Feel free to also post art, poems or favorite Henson video clips in honor of Jim.

Listen to the music of Jim Henson on Muppet Central Radio. Read our Jim Henson tributes for many stories from the days and weeks after Jim Henson's passing. Our "Remembering Jim Henson" menu designed by Jamie is also now on our home page.

Join us in celebrating his legacy that will live on for generations.



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Jim Henson and I share birth dates (sept. 24), and he's been one of my greatest influences on my work, I feel. I'd recommend all of you find and read Brian Jay Jones' Jim Henson bio if you can. Jim's done so many things, and foresaw some of the ways the industry was changing. Though he may be gone his vision, imagination, and certainly his beloved characters, continue to live on.
Here's one of my favorite clips from Rowlf, and it's a song I have enjoyed ever since I was very little and saw it on one of the Muppet compilation tapes (It's the Muppets / More Muppets Please).


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Jim and his creations, The Muppets, never fail to make me smile, laugh, burst into song and make me look forward to good things in life, even when I was at my lowest points in my life. At times, I wish he was still here, but I know that his colleagues are working very hard to continue his legacy and make people happy.

We miss you, Jim.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I still miss Jim as much as anybody. He will always influence me in being creative and how to live life.

That's a point some people miss. Life is too brief to waste on things that don't matter. Things you can't change, like weather. People you can't change, like celebrities or politicians. The only person you can change is you.

And death. Lots of famous people gone already this year, some before their time. But death will come to all of us (remember, our time here goes by so fast). We will see Jim, Jerry, and everyone else again someday. But don't waste your time here. You got some living and loving to do. And so do I.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I still miss Jim as much as anybody. He will always influence me in being creative and how to live life.

That's a point some people miss. Life is too brief to waste on things that don't matter. Things you can't change, like weather. People you can't change, like celebrities or politicians. The only person you can change is you.

And death. Lots of famous people gone already this year, some before their time. But death will come to all of us (remember, our time here goes by so fast). We will see Jim, Jerry, and everyone else again someday. But don't waste your time here. You got some living and loving to do. And so do I.
You know those are really wise words. I didn't know what to make of "Don't waste your time here." at first because I took it literally. But I see now don't waste your time here on Earth is what you seemed to mean. Thanks for that.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Yes, don't waste your time here on this earth. When you're younger, it seems like you have your whole life in front of you. Thirty, forty, fifty, ages like that, that's so far away, right?

It might not seem possible to some of you, you'll reach your parents' age someday.
No way! That "someday" is so far away. That's what I used to think. I guess all young people think that. But you hit that "someday" before you know it. When you hit that "someday", you don't want to look back and think, "Where did the time go, and what did I do with my time?"

If you stay positive, make the most out of every day, realize how precious (and brief) time is, the less you'll want to waste it. Then at the end of your life, you can look back without regret.

And maybe feel you made the world a little better, like Jim did.