You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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YMBAOMF IF you think Guy Smiley & Mr. Square would be absolutely wonderful game show hosts (along with the crazy good humor they provide, and of course, ALL the Muppets provide absolutely wonderful humor that is so essential to our daily lives!!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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YMBAOMF if when questioned by a friend about the logic behind a scene or sketch you just reply, "Because....Muppets..."

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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While watching Food Network's Holiday Baking Championship, they say one of their challenges is to make impostor Thanksgiving cupcakes, and to set up the challenge's descript the host has a dog dressed as a turkey...

Which makes you instantly quote Doc.
"I don't care if the turkey told you my dog's a turkey! My dog's not a turkey, the turkey's a turkey, you turkey!"
:hungry: :embarrassed: :drool:

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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-YMBAOMF if you got very excited when your dad told you he worked with a guy who's last name was Henson (I seriously believed he may have been related to Jim at first;turns out he wasn't)
-YMBAOMF if you played the video game, Diablo because the dungeons remind you of Labyrinth
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear about the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe without thinking of The Dark Crystal.
-YMBAOMF if you thought Sherlock Holmes's name was Sherlock Hemlock when you were little (that actually happened to me).
-YMBAOMF if you sing Rubber Ducky extremely loud every time you take a bath;annoying the heck out of your family in the process.
-YMBAOMF if the aliens called Gorgs from the movie Home made you think of Fraggle Rock.
-YMBAOMF if you had a Webkinz eagle plush that you named Sam when you were little (I really had one, but I don't think I called it that!)
-YMBAOMF if when your teacher asks you to do a report on a famous person, you make sure to do Jim Henson.
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear of the band Hoobastank without thinking it's a word in Hoob language.
-YMBAOMF if Lubbock Lou's Jughuggers got you into country music (again that applies to me).
-YMBAOMF if you REALLY want to see the Margaret Hamilton episode of Sesame Street.
-YMBAOMF if you are excited about Simon Soundman returning to SS.
-YMBAOMF if when you can't come up with an idea for a story, you bang your head on the keyboard like Don Music.
-YMBAOMF if every time you hear the song Allie Oop you picture a caveman singing it.
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear the song Staying Alive without thinking of Miss Piggy and the other pigs's version.
YMBAOMF if you see a bunch of extremely loud monkeys at the zoo and yell the Gallio Hoop-Hoop at the top of your lungs to try and communicate with them (I actually did that once!)
-YMBAOMF if you got excited over the name Emmett Otterton in Zootopia.
YMBAOMF if you get weirded out by hearing Gery Parkes say the F-word in the movie, The Boondocks Saints leaving you to think "Doc must be one foul guy when he doesn't live in a house with Fraggles,".
-YMBAOMF if you had a picture of Bozark from Animal Jam you cut out of a magazine and glued it to a toybox when you were a little (I really had one).
-YMBAOMF if you don't want to eat chips because your afraid a Flute Snatcher, Wheel Stealer, and Crown Grabber will get them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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YMBAOMF If you think that Grover would be a perfect substitute for Al Roker on the Today Show.

YMBAOMF if you're caught by surprise at all the Muppet References on Family Guy (and for that matter, wished American Dad, and The Cleveland Show did the same thing).

YMBAOMF if you wish Drew Carey, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert were Muppets!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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YMBAOMF - If someone mentions something even tho it's not a Muppet but it reminds you of something that the Muppets did or sang or made fun of.

YMBAOMF - You wished that MST3K would make some cameos or appearances on Sesame Street or Muppets.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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YMBAOMF if all of your friends on social media keep posting 'evil Kermit' memes and you've taken the time to explain to nearly all of them that, Kermit isn't looking at himself, that's Constantine (and then you have to basically explain the entire plot of Muppets Most Wanted)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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YMBAOMF if all of your friends on social media keep posting 'evil Kermit' memes and you've taken the time to explain to nearly all of them that, Kermit isn't looking at himself, that's Constantine (and then you have to basically explain the entire plot of Muppets Most Wanted)
I hear that. I get so mad but it's mostly cause they then tease me about me having to explain it to them. Like here's example; "Oh here goes Kyle again having to explain it," like the could really not care at all.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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I hear that. I get so mad but it's mostly cause they then tease me about me having to explain it to them. Like here's example; "Oh here goes Kyle again having to explain it," like the could really not care at all.
If they're just going to reply with a :rolleyes: then why'd they send it to you just to bug you in the first place? No, that's on them as being dumdums.

BTW: Watching the pre-parade this morning, the Broadway musicals all made me think of Muppet moments.
The song from Holiday Inn, "Shaking The Blues Away: was much better sung by :skeptical: and the Fully-Operational Automated Tony Bennett.
Dolly's song made me think that could be Polly Darton singing about her triangle home.
The re-opening of Cats? I'm more interested in Bats: The Musical as performed by :concern: and Jason Alexander.
And the last one... It would have been better with the Cirque Du SoLamé Performers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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If they're just going to reply with a :rolleyes: then why'd they send it to you just to bug you in the first place? No, that's on them as being dumdums.
I'm saying when I'm around them they tease me but I know it's just for fun even if it does make me mad sometimes.