Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Personally, my hope is that we don't end up with a repeat of 2016, where the vote came down to who was the lesser of two evils.
If that happens then I'm just not gonna vote. I don't care what people say. Critisize me all you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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That's why I didn't want to vote in 2016. As I said, I pretty much was forced against my will to vote in 2016 for that very reason: to vote for the lesser of two evil. My vote wasn't a vote for Hillary, it was a vote against Trump.

But again, I think if there's one thing this election proved, is that it's time the electoral college is looked into and fixed, because again, when the electoral college vote and the popular vote has vastly different results, something's not quite right. . . .


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Honestly I just don't see the point in voting if you aren't happy with your choice.

Like, yeah, sure, third party options but that's just throwing your vote away. :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I could agree with lots of this post. The criticism of the Trump Whitehouse is warranted. The worst thing that ever happened to the Republican party is the Tea Party movement. More so than the Evangelicals. But I see the same thing happening with the Democrats. And that would be bad news for them.

As for pointing out the hyperbole . . . eeeehhhh, I'll have to disagree here. Not to pick on D'Snowth but much of what he posts is hyperbole and you seem to "like" an awful lot of them. And I believe you are much smarter to know that those stories are far from the whole truth or reality. He takes an obscure group of people participating in an obscure action or opinion, and then applies it to the whole Republican party or conservatives. When in fact it is nothing more than a handful of nutjobs that isn't worth the time he takes to type about it. Both parties or sides have their fringe nutjobs. It's just that in today's day and age of the internet, twitter, facebook,and ratings driven "news", they get the attention they don't deserve. And when you rely on Facebook as your news sources, of course, you are going to be fed those same types of stories as their logrithim is going to show you similar stories to the ones you read, which then exaggerates the problem as if that particular attitude is more prominent then it actually is. Which was touched on above about today's youth and their reliance on the internet.

And, oh, stuckey's?
I wrote a little Facebook Note blurb about a growing Tea Party of the Left during the last campaign, but so many of my liberal friends didn't heed the warning. They are part of the problem. This idea of that candidates and platforms have to be un-moving and unbending things like Newt Gingrich's contract with America. Our nation was built on compromise and some of the best legislation has both parties walking away from the table a little disappointed. As for those who go far round the bend on the left, if I start to read it here or elsewhere, from anyone, I just tend to skip it. I read the WP, NYT, and WSJ on a daily basis and keep up with PBS News. That's a solid foundation for news. Most everything else is noise. Just stupid noise. Snowth is a different story. He gets overly passionate a lot, but we're in passionate times. I know him well and I tend to like the origin of that passion at times even if I'd totally edit the presentation of it. He has a good heart. He really cares about people and a sweet guy. I know this as fact. My views on hyperbole are something he's already aware of. I just don't like it clouding our good discussions. These days I'm trying to avoid sarcasm and such when it comes to really digging into issues. I'm a gay fellla. I lived the first 17 years of my life in daily fear that my family, my security, any love I had could be taken away at any moment if one person found out something I was. Many LGBTQ people have these same scars. We mask everything in humor and sarcasm because we all have horror stories. It's kind of like, "We all have pain, but if you're gonna whine about it - make it funny!" Comedy, after all, is tragedy plus time. Either way, too much of that is unhealthy so that's why, at certain times, I like to keep things clean and respectful. That's where a lot of this is coming from. I really want to talk about the issues. Also, the GOP's continued treatment of the LGBTQ community is horrible. I know a lot of black, jewish, muslim, and latino friends that complain about gay people being lumped into a minority. I mean, one can try to conceal being gay. Many could. I'm very colorful so there's no hope for me. Being gay is different than being black. I will never have to face what they have. There are things that gay kids go through that nobody else does. Imagine being called the N word at school and then going home to a family of people just like you who can comiserate and lift you up. When you're a gay kid being called the F word at schoool - particularly a religious school - you're on your own. The GOP platform about the LGBTQ is still incredibly archaic. With GHW Bush, he had a heart. I thought his son shared that, but he's the ONE family member who didn't. Voting for any candidate who maintains that oppression, for me, is akin to a black person voting for a candidate who also has ties to white supremacy. I just can't until that changes or a particular candidate speaks up. John McCain didn't give a crap about keeping the Evangelicals happy until he ran for President. He is a maverick, but they even got to him. To me, political Evangelicals are as bad as Scientologists. As far as many fundamentals of conservatism, I get it and support some of those things. A good country blends ideas and stirs in as many types of races and persuasions. I know. It's a long post. But this absolutely why. Trump says he'll be the greatest President for LGBTQ people but has done nothing but make our lives harder. I'm so glad I live in California. These days, we need as much insulation as possible. Also, I know so many conservative gay people who can't vote for republicans because of the bizarre legislation of prejudice that doesn't need to be there. This song sums up my view on our culture, all of the forgotten Americans and my dreams for this country's future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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As it turns out, Bernie isn't running again in 2020, he's running for re-election in the Senate for this year.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Real billionaire meets fake billionaire. This is just too funny - and this is how he behaves toward one of the most impressive American minds of our time? Wow!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I could agree with lots of this post. The criticism of the Trump Whitehouse is warranted. The worst thing that ever happened to the Republican party is the Tea Party movement. More so than the Evangelicals. But I see the same thing happening with the Democrats. And that would be bad news for them.

As for pointing out the hyperbole . . . eeeehhhh, I'll have to disagree here. Not to pick on D'Snowth but much of what he posts is hyperbole and you seem to "like" an awful lot of them. And I believe you are much smarter to know that those stories are far from the whole truth or reality. He takes an obscure group of people participating in an obscure action or opinion, and then applies it to the whole Republican party or conservatives. When in fact it is nothing more than a handful of nutjobs that isn't worth the time he takes to type about it. Both parties or sides have their fringe nutjobs. It's just that in today's day and age of the internet, twitter, facebook,and ratings driven "news", they get the attention they don't deserve. And when you rely on Facebook as your news sources, of course, you are going to be fed those same types of stories as their logrithim is going to show you similar stories to the ones you read, which then exaggerates the problem as if that particular attitude is more prominent then it actually is. Which was touched on above about today's youth and their reliance on the internet.

And, oh, stuckey's?
Oooh. I totally forgot to address China and North Korea. In trying to improve America's standing, Trump made a mess with China that he's now cleaning up. Unless he can get something greater than we had before his tinkering, I will not give him a win for setting his mistake (one that every republican warned him about) right. We'll have to wait and see on that. As for North Korea, right now it's just optics. If he can get something substantial done, GREAT! I would LOVE that. I liked the idea when it was Obama's before it fizzled. He got not support from republicans about that. There's little clip about that. CLIP This isn't merely about Fox News. This marks the usual massive flip flop in the party pertaining to most things Trump vs Obama.