The “What did you do today?” thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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There is or was a Yahoo group that had them. Idk if it still exists.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Not today, but yesterday.

So, I mentioned this on one thread at least, maybe a couple, but last April I cut ties with an old "friend" that I've known since middle school because he is nothing but a ****-talking, sexist, hypocritical manchild and having him in my life was one of the worst things to happen to me. I didn't bother giving a goodbye message cause I didn't think it was worth it, but after what he did to my friend Jeff and his friends last night, simply because he doesn't like the fact that he's friends with our friend Corey again because he's an immature little snowflake, it was about time I chewed him out one last time. I gave a looooong *** paragraph because he's had it coming for years.

Hello Pat. This is Alex on another profile. You probably haven't heard from me in awhile. Unless you already caught onto it, I blocked your ******* *** on all forms of social media. And you know why? Cause having you as a ******* friend for 10 years was the worst ******* thing to have ever happened to me. I honestly didn't bother sending you a ******* message when I decided to take you out of my life last April, but now, after seeing what you did to Jeff last night, it's about time you got put in your ******* place. First of all, I really love the ******* fact that you would go out of your way to manipulate Corey into giving you his phone while he was in the ******* bathroom because you knew you wanted to cause some trouble. And by that, finding the group chat that had him with Jeff, Sasha and Tom in a private conversation. You decided to cause trouble, and they got you back in response, which, by the way, you ******* walked into, and then you threaten to call the cops because you feel antagonized. I'm sorry dude, but this is one of the many things that bugs me about you. First of all, it's been a whole ******* year since you and Jeff stopped talking, and you've basically proven you can't let it go. You have to start **** through your own friend's' forms of social media to stalk someone you don't like, you have to send out pranks to their houses through anonymous mailing packages, and you go around telling people not to talk to them just because you don't like them. I'm sorry dude, but if you can't learn to let go of a former friendship, that really ******* says alot. That tells me how pathetic you really are deep down. And by the way, yes, I know you were sending out pranks to Jeff's house, and you know what? Maybe I should call the cops on YOU for ******* harrasing him in different ways and almost killing his dog. Yeah, you almost ******* killed his dog because you sent out a prank to his house with small pieces that his dog could have eaten and chocked on. Also, I'm sorry dude, but the fact that you were going around telling people not to talk to Jeff really made me mad and honestly lose alot of respect for you. There are pleanty of people I don't like in this world, but do you see me going around telling people "Hey, don't go talking to this person cause I don't like them!"? No! I don't do that to Paul, I don't do that to Corey, I don't do that to Zak. If they want to be your friend, they can be my ******* guest because that's their business, not mine. But you going around telling people not to talk to someone, telling someone to give you their phone unbeknownst to them on what you're actually going to do, and also the fact that every single time we hung out, you would be demanding on what we should do, shows you're so ******* manipulate and a really ****** friend. By the way, I love how you have the ******* nerve to call Jeff a racist when you voted for and support a guy who has proven is a ******* white supremacist, otherwise known as our ****** president known as Donald Trump. Like you, I used to support Trump, but after having time to myself to reflect on my thoughts, I no longer support that racist, crybaby orange oompa loompa, especially since he's pretty much been guilty of sexually harassing women. Which, by the way, I can see happening to you in the future since you seem to love exploiting women at strip clubs and getting your dick wet so much. This is why you support Trump. Because he is literally you. A person who likes to start **** with people yet gets mad when you do it to them, and will most likely end up becoming a rapist in the future. But anyway, back to Jeff, Jeff has a pretty raunchy sense of humor that can be pretty ****** up sometimes, I can give you that. But he's still a good friend that I can at least talk to if there's an issue going on and we work it out. And you know why I never talked to you when I had issues with you? Because then you'll just try to act like the innocent guy when I try and call you out. Even if you really did **** talk about me at Brett's graduation party, I wouldn't have bothered calling you out cause then you'd just be like deny deny deny. I think it's also funny how you thought Jeff needed some growing up to do when you yourself have alot of ******* growing up to do. You like to think you're so mature just because you have your own business, when this is also you. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS!!!!!", "LOOK AT ME I'M CAPTAIN RIDICULOUS!!!!" blah blah blah. It really shows how ******* hypocritical you are. By the way, you know what's also made me lose alot of respect for you? The fact that you were putting words in Conor's and Brett's individual mouths when we were talking on the phone. I talked to them wanting to hear their sides of the story and they told me something much different. Conor told me that he SUGGESTED you buy something for Brett if you want to make amends with him, NOT that they wanted you to buy them stuff, and the fact that you actually said something to Brett to make him really mad, and the fact that you randomly texted him calling him a fatass which is where he blocked you. Which proves another thing. You have a VERY big mouth. You never watch what you say. You just say whatever is on your mind, not thinking about what others are going to react to it. By the way, I'm also the one who took a screenshot of you calling Brett a pedophile on Corey's status because I absolutely would not allow you to get off scot-free for doing that. Again, this also goes back to my point on the fact that you like to bust on people's balls in the worst ******* way possible. Some of the **** you were doing to us just made us really mad. Like here's an example. The fact that you kept calling me a ******* pedophile in 10th grade just because I had a ******* beard and touching it. I was honestly this ******* close to just pushing you on the ******* ground. You remember that same time I defended you when Jamie Daraugh pushed you to the ground and punched you? Honestly, looking back, I really should have just let that slide because you basically brought that on your ******* self, calling him Griffin because there was a photo error of a picture of Griffin Brill in his picture. Honestly dude, when you left LPS in 2011, it was the happiest moment of my ******* life. The only reason I kept you as a friend was cause most of the guys were still cool with you. Cause when you think about it, I literally never talked to you again until 2015 when I saw you at Conor's bday party at the movies. I thought you matured. I was dead wrong. You'll never grow up. You'll always be the ******* manchild that thinks you're sooooo mature just because you have your own business. No. Having your own business does not make you mature. How you treat others is what makes you mature, and what you've done to most of us defies your maturity. I really hope you consider this message special because this is the last time I will ever interact with you. You are no longer welcome in my life. And do me another favor, please. Stay the **** out of Jeff's business. Stay the **** out of Conor's business. Stay the **** out of Brett's business, and stay the **** out of my business, too. You can go ahead and **** talk me to Paul, Zak, Corey and whoever you're still friends with at LPS all you want because I will easily defend myself afterwards. Goodbye, my former friend, and I hope you can get your **** together.

And if he dares try using another friend's phone to harass me or anyone else he doesn't like on their social media, I'm giving his number to the cops. I'm done.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I was out and about today, so I figured while doing so, I'd go location scouting for exterior filming for MORON LEAGUE 4 - I found a few spots of interest through Google Maps and went out to them today. Unfortunately, my two top choices are now out of the question: one of them is blocked off with wire fencing, and the other has too much overgrowth, so I'll need to keep searching.

Any Del

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2016
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Went to Hempstead, Long Island, NY to a barbecue... Plus playing some GTA Vice City with my mom's cousins! :hungry: :smile: