Oh wow, Sesame Street is bad for 2-year-olds!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2006
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Apologies if I am stating the obvious or saying what has already been said, but from what I've read these videos were meant to encourage interactions between parents and children; it wasn't meant to simply be viewed.
(I think I might have read this on this forum somewhere...)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
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That's true, Tim. I have seen these videos and I can say that the entire thing is meant for parents to learn, not kids (as opposed to baby einstein). The muppet segments are there for visual interest for the kids as well as illustrating a point to parents (Cookie Monster has a lot of energy. Granny monster uses his energy to teach him to dance. Ergo, parents should harness kid's energy instead of criticizing them for it). Nowhere is it directly teaching children.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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MuppetQuilter said:
They aren't saying Sesame Street is bad, they're saying television has not been proven to offer any developmental advantages for children under two. The American Academy of Pediatrics (or Pediatrics Association or whatever their name is) says children under two should not watch television. Lots of parents (and sitters and nannies and daycare centers...) plop kids in front of the TV all day and that isn't healthy. Kids need to interact with their world-- they need to touch things and run and jump and explore and they need people to interact with them in a way television cannot.
Exactly. Though I do disapprove of this company. "Ads make people want to buy things"... DEAR LORD!!!! Someone call the president or the FBI.... or are they on it too? Advertisements are SUPPOSED to make you want to go out and buy something. That's what advertisments are.

And studies did prove that baby einstine (and all it's clones, Baby genius, Baby Prodigy, Baby Smart-make you smartermaker) don't work at ALL! In fact, they might even have adverse affects.

But that's the problem. Too many people don't KNOW how to raise kids, and as such, we have a childhood obesity and ignorance problem. Not because of McDonalds or Spongebob, but lazy lazy parents. I don't want to get into that right now, since I've gotten into it a million times, but long story short... that's why SS appears to have been "dumbed down." To accommodate children too young to watch TV not to watch that Dora show.\

I still (in principle) denounce SS babies. But SW is trying to do what they have to do.