Mild ranting


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Ok not even ranting so much as having a bad day & complaining to people who might understand. But that didn't fit in the title.

I quoted a price to someone that would make all of you people really ashamed of me for it being so darn low. And then the people I quoted it to kinda freaked out because it was so high...Which, after explaining things they appreciated the cost, but said "well, its going to be such a high-quality puppet, so we're okay" but now I'm worried that the puppets I'm making aren't going to be good enough for what they need to be.

Yeah, I'm just having a bad day. (It doesn't help that I had 4 shows today for which I had to load/unload in the pouring rain & had no time for lunch between any of the shows)

I want a warm fire, a cuddly blanket and a muppet movie. and some ice cream. and a pony.:sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
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Hi Stacey,

If they have seen your other puppets then they know what they will be getting, so I would not even be worried about it.

Next time let them choose: "Good - Fast - Cheap" tell them to pick two and only two.

If its "good and fast" it is not going to be cheap!

If its "fast and cheap" its not going to be good!

If its "good and cheap" its not going to be fast!

This is what I tell my difficult customers. I used to have a sign over my deck that had this no it, so I could just point at it.

And remember to have a safety snack box in with your puppet kit for just these sort of things.

Hope this helps,



Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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I think the Joker said it best
"If you're good at something never do it for free"
:smile: heh heh ha ha!

I love Mike's advise above too :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Well they were actually hoping that I could get 5 puppets done in a matter of 2 weeks. I said that was impossible, so they said 4 weeks, I said that's nearly impossible but that I'd try. I ended up pushing back that deadline by another week & a half. So I'm still scrambling to get these done. Honestly I was hoping to do my own patterns--because for what I need to do, (and what I think I should do) but I just haven't been given the time for that, so I went ahead & I'm using a Project Puppet pattern that I'll modify for what each puppet needs.

And don't get me wrong, these people are not difficult in the slightest (the customers, not the puppets) they're actually really, really nice. This is just a big (large & important) project and it's been a long, bad day. Did I mention that I stepped in a puddle & got my socks wet? I also found out that tomorrow, my day off, my day to work on this huge project...I have a mandatory meeting with a school... Where's my darn pony?

Food check. I actually had a banana & a granola bar with me. I didn't know my way around that part of town, so I didn't take the opportunity to eat in the car that I should have. Lesson learned: Be thankful that the guy that booked the shows so closely together got fired three weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2003
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Mike, as always, gives good advice. The other sign I used to have over my desk had my rates listed.

Graphic Design: $90.00 per hour
If You Watch: $120.00 per hour
If You Help: $150.00 per hour

The only other thing I can add is that you really don't want a pony. At least not for keeps. They're very high maintenance. If I could, I'd rent you one for an afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I think maybe a magical puppet-building pony would be okay. I don't mind cleaning up the fleece...


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry stacey, I say screw um! figuretively oF course!

It's horrible that the only people who understand are artisians.

it's bad but when that happens to me i turn the tables on them, I let them know that my work is quality and that they wont get a better price for the product i will give. sort of let them know what a deal there getting, and if they get just a regular taylor to do they get crap! pardon my french.

Don't give up! I know some one will pay you what you ask. You do great work!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2003
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Oh! A magical puppet-building pony! That's a different matter entirely! By all means you deserve and should have one!

Have a cup of cocoa to soothe your nerves while you're waiting...


Active Member
Oct 14, 2007
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I've worked as an artist for over 15 years, and every year, it's the same. Nobody has any clues about what it takes to make something, they just assume that because you're an artist that you're lowly, and cheap.

I stopped living like an artist about 10 years ago, and I'm not interested in doing art so that someone else can make major cash off of it. Work for hire is work for hire and I understand their point of view, but if they have the right to ask me to take less, then I have the right to charge more.

The people who commission me know pretty well what to expect, as puppets are not my forte. I just started making them, and let me tell you, as a sculptor and artist, I have a greater appreciation for what goes into making them, believe me. My first attempt to make a Kermit has been fraught with challenges, and as a guy who charges a premium for what he does, I know that puppet makers deserve just as much money, because it takes a **** of a lot more effort to make a puppet than most people would realize.

I am hoping to eventually be competent at this puppet making someday, to where I can make something really interesting. I feel sorry for folks who have to put up with the outright ignorance and stupidity there is with people who don't know what it takes to make something from whole cloth.

Best of luck to you.