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  1. G

    1000 Post Club, The Post Count & Senior Members Thread

    lol you guys are awsome to me im your bigss fan in the whole while world people say im to big and i dnt believe thm so im a special nd and people maked fun of me cause im speacil so if you would like tto chT WITH me thatss cool with me bye
  2. G

    I won't be posting anymore...

    jodie say hii hw are you
  3. G

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    hii my name is jodie im a special need teens ar four a school im going to
  4. G

    Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie

    you guys are my heros i like when you have to save your one of your friends it was so fun to watch you
  5. G

    Your Thoughts: Fraggle Rock The Animated Series DVD

    hi my name is jodie i go to a special school it fun and stuff it like a hobbit to start new school i was pretty nerve and it was hii i love your movies and stuff