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  1. frogboy4

    Is this a teaser poster for a Muppets sequel?

    I hope they consult some of the classic Muppet writers too.
  2. frogboy4

    Is this a teaser poster for a Muppets sequel?

    I think that's what happened to LTS and MWOz. I do think Disney can do this faster than other Muppet projects now that their only concern is content. It seemed that before the last film that everyone was preoccupied with whether or not the characters were still relevant. That seemed to tarnish...
  3. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    Well I've decided to change my account. Frogboy will be archived and I'll open up a different, more accurately named account and introduce it in the new members thread immediately after the moderators green-light the idea. I've been here since 2000 so I've probably earned the change. :)
  4. frogboy4

    The "It's A Great Time To Be A Muppet Fan" Thread - No Pessimism Allowed!

    Thanks. That's a sneak peek at something to come. (oh, and that's a teeny, tiny Droop).
  5. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    Hahaha! Yeah, there are a lot of weirdos out there. I guess it doesn't make sense to me because people give their first names out to people they don't know every day without any level of paranoia. Nonetheless, this policy has been discussed before and is unlikely to change. However, I'm...
  6. frogboy4

    What improvements would you have made to The Muppets Film 2012 (spoilers)

    I loved the movie, but off the top of my head... An Electric Mayhem song. More Muppets featured in the dance numbers. More of the Muppets inside and outside of the Theatre/Studio A little matte painting of the external Theatre to better match other incarnations. More of the Muppets engaging...
  7. frogboy4

    The Kermit Collar Point Counting Club

    Yup. I notice it. It happens. I didn't know about Kermit's collar points until about a decade ago. Unfortunately that was after I made this cute little Kermit model with frog knows how many points! There is some substandard Muppet stuff out there, but I'm glad we're at least getting more...
  8. frogboy4

    The Muppets © Disney

    I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but it seems the Muppets are no longer © Muppet Studios, The Muppets Studio, LLC or The Muppets Holding Company. I've been seeing Disney phase The Muppets © Disney for most of the new products - not just the movie-related ones. The Muppets are no longer...
  9. frogboy4

    Is this a teaser poster for a Muppets sequel?

    Movie companies sometimes tease films a year or more before their release date, but Disney is still riding the wave of this project. Plus, the film will probably not be titled "The Muppets 2." I can imagine something like "The Muppets Take a Road Trip" or "The Great Muppet Holiday." You know...
  10. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    That's already how it is and I can understand upholding the status-quo. I personally think it's about time for a change after 14 years. I'm already giddy over the new features in this upgrade! :cool: The opposition to this kind of change not only seems odd to me, it also might be indicative...
  11. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    Listing a first name doesn't compromise privacy. :) First names help facilitate free, honest and open discussion. People are less likely to toss barbs at others if they are required to sign each post. Hiding seems kind of creepy. :scary: Actually very creepy to me. :o None of us pay for...
  12. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: The Muppets on Blu-ray and DVD

    Not all deleted scenes were released. Maybe someday.
  13. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    There are a couple of guidelines I'd like to see added and enforced. It would be great to follow the TP tradition of using our real first names - at least in out in signatures. It would also help if members wold list real information (at least state, region or country, but not necessarily...
  14. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: The Muppets on Blu-ray and DVD

    Yes, I have the Wocka pack. It's a 3 disc set - Blu-ray, DVD and digital download. Muppet Central's review of the release illustrates the different pack. As I stated before, the Digital Download disc (the third disc) is the only thing different. The special features on the Blu-rays are uniform. ;)
  15. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: The Muppets on Blu-ray and DVD

    All Blu-rays have the same special features. The only difference with the Wocka Wocka pack is an extra disc that contains a digital download of the film and there's supposed to be a special feature about Walter's Trailer. I haven't had the chance to see that yet. :fanatic:
  16. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    I really am enjoying the forward-thinking changes here. Finally! Wow! This frogboy supports them 100%. Thanks guys! :)
  17. frogboy4

    What went wrong with Muppets from Space?

    Many people felt that they weren't ready for actually performing together at that point in the film, but they could have at least faded out the original vocal tracks and had the Muppets karaoke it. The "We Built This City" portion reminded me of the "Brick House" misstep in MFS. The Muppets are...
  18. frogboy4

    Your Thoughts: Muppet Central Forum Upgrade March 24

    "Ignore" makes the ignored party completely invisible. The only visible evidence of them on the forum is their post likes, their main page presence and their overall account membership. :search: The posts and quotes of ignored parties are completely out of site from the person ignoring them...
  19. frogboy4

    What went wrong with Muppets from Space?

    Thanks for sharing that. There was so much potential that I wish had made it into the film. I purchased the Blu-ray for my collection and watched it again recently. There are some golden moments, but the experience left me kind of cold. The most remarkable thing that few people mention is the...
  20. frogboy4

    Potential New Muppet Show

    I've been thinking that they'd either shoot in California or Florida because of Disney-owned studios there. Like where they shoot the Disney Channel shows. Has something different been reported? It would be a coup if they shot in the same UK studios as the original Muppet Show.