Search results

  1. MeepBorkMeep

    Muppets, Music, and Magic in Silver Spring, MD

    I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned here, at Tough Pigs, the Wiki, or at the Newsflash. Or the newspapers for that matter. Am I that out of the loop? From July 12th to August 24th, over the span of however many weekends, the films from Muppets, Music and Magic will be shown at AFI in...
  2. MeepBorkMeep

    Jim Henson Story

    I looked and I couldn't find it anyone posted about this recently, but this story was posted on this blog (I found it through Puppeteers Unite) It's about the puppeteers on the set of TMNT2 talking about working with Jim.
  3. MeepBorkMeep

    MBM's Puppet Movies

    Hi there. This is a shameless plug. Recently set up a blog to feature my puppet music videos. A feature on the site is the viewer's ability to request, for free, other music video projects. They're all lip synched, as I've messed around with my real...
  4. MeepBorkMeep

    Elmo and Grover on Paul Simon's PBS Special

    Don't know if anyone mentioned it, but Elmo and Grover made an appearance on the Paul Simon PBS special to sing The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy). And then afterward, of course there were puns to be had: Grover: Whoa that was a really short song. Were all his songs this short? Elmo...
  5. MeepBorkMeep

    Dave Goelz and Gonzo Interview.

    Okay this is sort of a Muppet headline, it's sort of On The Web, but it doesn't really fit in the "Muppets and YouTube" thread, right, because it's semi-big news and a pretty rare clip sort of that just got posted yesterday. I mean someone may have already posted it too. The point is, if this is...
  6. MeepBorkMeep

    Labyrinth-satiric comic at XKCD

    Hey, I don't know if anyone spotted this- But I believe it's definitely a satire of some sort. :)
  7. MeepBorkMeep

    Labyrinth Symbolism

    I have a paper to do, and I was wondering what the different aspects of Labyrinth symbolized. I mean, I get that the movie is about a girl growing up, but what does Jared, the labyrinth itself, and the world around it symbolize? Does anyone have any theories about the symbolism in Labyrinth...
  8. MeepBorkMeep

    Jeff Dunham: Ventriloquist

    My friend just got me this DVD, Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself. Has anyone's heard of him, seen him, or seen this DVD? He is an unbelivably talented ventriloquist and puppeteer. Check him out. :cool: :)
  9. MeepBorkMeep

    Lime In The Coconut

    I don't know if this counts under this thread, but I did my own version of that Lime In The Coconut sketch the Muppets did. It's a video, so it's not technically fan art...anyway, here. Let me know if it works. It's kind of small. I might redo it so I'd appreciate some feedback, good or bad...
  10. MeepBorkMeep


    Hey. I've seen these threads around and found them interesting, so just post any dream you had, muppet related or not. Please inform me if this thread has already been made, I don't want to spam. :eek:
  11. MeepBorkMeep

    Rhuntfan update?

    I sincerely hope that I'm not asking a question that everybody already knows the answer to, and I'm just late, but I was just wondering why rhuntfan wasn't updated this year on January 7th like usual. :o
  12. MeepBorkMeep

    Ed Sullivan Puppet Question

    No matter how many times I watch the Ed Sullivan episode where the Muppets are a rock and roll group in a box, I can't quite understand how they did that. I mean, how many puppeteers were back there? :confused:
  13. MeepBorkMeep


    So here I am sitting in my living room while my mom is cleaning up tapes. And she pulls out one called "Jim henson Special" and I figured it was one of them Christmas specials, right? WELL I'm watching it now, and it's, like, this Great Performances thing "The World of Jim Henson" where they...
  14. MeepBorkMeep

    Hey, I have un question

    I thought this wasn't rully proffessional enough to put on the Puppetry forum, and I was just wondering, do you ever worry that if you puppeteer all the time with the same arm...that that arm will become insanely stronger than the other? Sounds odd, I know, but it's been pestering me for a bit...
  15. MeepBorkMeep

    Muppet Group Therapy Session

    Hey. This is my first fan feel free to let me know what I'm doing wrong. Okay. Here goes nothing. :o Chapter One “I know you are but what am I…” “I’m rubber your glue…” “Your face, that’s what…” Mr. Adler’s office door burst open, revealing several disgruntled Muppets. Mr...
  16. MeepBorkMeep

    Lip Synching Technique

    Personally, my favorite part of puppets right now is lip synching to real songs. Anyone else here like to do that? What are some of your favorite songs to lip synch to? Do you have any techniques? Come. Share. Learn. ;)
  17. MeepBorkMeep


    I rully don't know if this has been asked before, cause it seems kind of like a question someone would think of, but does anyone know where I can find a puppetman clip on the internet? It'd be cool to see the Muppeteers in human form. I tried the link on rhuntfan but it didn't work. Maybe that's...
  18. MeepBorkMeep

    To Spread the Muppet Cheer

    Hi. I got this idea when I was reading the "You May Be An Obsessed Muppet Fan If..." thread in the games forum. My idea is that each day we have a new quote or "fashion style of choice" or any type of evidence that we are Muppet fans, and throughout the day, members of Muppet central will be...
  19. MeepBorkMeep

    Spreading Muppet Fandom

    Hi. I got this idea when I was reading the "You May Be An Obsessed Muppet Fan If..." thread in the games forum, but for some reason it wouldn't let me post it in that forum...anyhoo. My idea is that each day we have a new quote or "fashion style of choice" or any type of evidence that we are...