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  1. Izzy the rat

    Teen Dating Prob.

    While we are on the subject of young love...What do you do if there's a guy you REALLY like that lives a ways away from you....and is your best friend's brother...and your best friend knows that you like him? Is there any point in liking him....should I just give up? It's just We have all the...
  2. Izzy the rat

    Secret of NIMH remake

    :D I just read Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, and was thinking how cool it would be if they remade the movie with real rats! I mean, I'd like one that followed with the story for one thing, kept the book name, and for heaven sakes keep Mrs. Frisby's name instead of Brisby. I really think it...
  3. Izzy the rat

    Syd Barret dies.

    That's sad..such great music.
  4. Izzy the rat

    What's your member number?

    There's something fishy about this.
  5. Izzy the rat

    What's your member number?

    I am member #8819 which really doesn't make sense.. and I really feel sorry for user Sunshineboz who's user number is the mark of the devil.
  6. Izzy the rat

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    How can Johnny ever not be at his best?! ...not to meantion, how can he not look his best? He's the sexiest human being on this entire earth.
  7. Izzy the rat

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    I can't wait to see my sexy beast Johnny again, in his sexy eyeliner! WOO WOO BABAY! hahahaha wow, I sound like a dork.
  8. Izzy the rat

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hi there! Woo too, I'm new!!