Search results

  1. comics101

    The Fate of Muppetvision 3*D

    Trust me when I say MV3D isn't going anywhere, and even if it does, as you said we sitll have Disney's Hollywood Studios, where If I've heard correctly, we may be getting a "Muppet Studios" type thing. This is still a RUMOR though, and I'm not sure how credible the source is, but I really hope...
  2. comics101

    Petition campaign to Disney

    Disney will eventually do more with the Muppets. Why would The Walt Disney Co. waste money on the franchise if they didn't see potential? That's the key word though, Potential. The Muppets have lost their popularity over the years. Disney's just waiting for the right show/attraction/movie to...
  3. comics101

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Though I've been on Muppet Central before, I am a new member. I'm a Huge Elvis Fan, and Love Walt Disney World and the Walt Disney Company. I also enjoy comic books, specifically Batman, and Obviously I love the Muppets! Thanks for welcoming me, and I look foward to posting thoughts and...