10 Signs that You Might be ________



10 Signs that you might be redfurrymonster84

1. On any site your screen name is redfurrymonster84, furryredmonster, or furryredmonster1.
2. Your too crazy
3. You have one best friend who is totally like you and the other one is the complete opposite of you
4. You are an Elmo Fanatic and are wearing an Elmo shirt and sweatshirt all the time
5. You have no life
6. You listen to music that some people--well most people think is scary
7. Your favorite colors are black & pink together but can't stand the color pink alone
8. You are a vegetarian and a very picky eater
9. You hate tennies shoes and your mom and dad had to practily pry the sandals off your feet and hide them for the winter
10. Your Geography teacher calls you "giggles"


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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10 sings that you may be Ziffel (me, not Fred Ziffel the guy in the avatar)

1) You never get tired of "Green Acres", "All in the Family", "Andy Griffith", "I love Lucy", or "The Honeymooners"
2) You remind people of funny things they said many years ago (even over 30 years ago).
3) You quote classic movie and tv lines (even ones that aren't considered classic)
4) Your favorite football team is whoever plays the Philadelphia Eagles
5) You like to play chess computers against each other
6) You begin a diet at the start of each day but are off it before dusk (dusk? high noon is more like it!)
7) You are so highly sensitive that it's a wonder you don't have a skin rash
8) You love to sleep but you also love to be awake and have fun so you are in a never ending dilemna on whether to stay up late and have fun or to get a good night's sleep and feel great the next day
9) You DESPISE the snow and winter weather!
10) You love spending time alone and yet desire socialization at times too
11) Forgot about this one: You LOVE puns!

Edit: While I was ziffeled a bunch of times while doing this! And neat that D'Snowth did a number 11 also! Which reminds me of a number 12:

12) You pull a ziffel a lot and, while never on purpose, you immensely enjoy it!


5 signs that your Elmo
1. Your favorite food is pizza
2. You love to be tickled
3. You can not walk into Wal-mart without seeing yourself everywhere
4. Your best friend is a monster literally
5. You wish to meet furryredmonster one day :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Oh and I have to add a number 13:

13) Your favorite place to spend a week's vacation is right at home. Ahhhhh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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10 Signs You Are A Chocolate Turtle

1. You are made of chocolate
2. You are a turtle
3. Vibs and Dan recorded a hoax song about you
4. Vibs and Dan have an album named after you
5. You can't go in hot places
6. You have to stay away from hungry people
7. You can eat yourself
8. Your initals are CT
9. Your species is...odd
10. You are sold in Thornton's


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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10 Signs That You Might Be Related To Somebody In The Moppet Family:

1. You tend to be a blue weirdo with no specafic gender.
2. You started talking when you were about 3 days old.
3. You trip over everything, you faint all the time, and have a past as a pirate.
4. You hand out lollipops to whoever you may meet wherever you may be, whatever the time is.
5. You like fluttering around, being pink.
6. You are a part of a body and your name is danish for a number.
7. Somebody who is about 20 years younger than you, and a baby, is in love with you.
8. You are often transformed into an oinking puppy.
9. You are scared of waking up one day and finding out that your children turned you into an Alga.
10. Sometimes you feel like you are basically a made up character, who turned into a real living person and who is being controlled by somebody.

11. You are hillarious.


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Aug 8, 2003
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5 More Signs You're D'Snowth
1. Anytime you hear "Canada", you think about MrsPepper, or SuperFan, or That Announcer, etc.
2. You're only friends in life are through a computer screen.
3. You have to quote M*A*S*H alot.
4. People give you kooky nick names you can't get rid of.
5. People remember you as either the vice president of a thread killers organization, or Kathy Greenwood's chauffer.

5 More Signs You're Kathy Greenwood
1. Drew Carey is always wanting you to do some kind of dance.
2. Drew Carey is always staring at your butt.
3. Denny Siegel wants to beat the living crap out of you.
4. Denny Siegel wants to torture you in an unpleasant manner.
5. You're constantly stereo-typed as a dumb blonde.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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7 Signs That You Might Be Katzi428
1)You keep talking about a guy named Bowzer & a lot of people under 30 are like "WHO?"
2) You love cats a lot
3)You have Prairie Dawn as a roomie in the Muppet College Thread
4)On the old episodes of SS,you were scared out of your wits when James Earl Jones was on to say the alphabet or #s 1-10
5)Wayne Brady is one of your favorites on "Whose Line"
6)You laugh HYSTERICALLY at The Irish Drinking Song on "Whose Line"
7)When you apologize on this board,you type Sah-ree


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Vibs!! That MopFam one was hillarious!!

3 Signs That You Might Be Steve Whitmire
1. You perform Kermit the Frog, Rizzo the Rat, and Wembley Fraggle.
2. Your hair goes to your shoulders, and you're a guy.
3. You constantly feel like on a website somewhere, a 17 year old Brit is talking about your behind with a 16 year old Illinoisan.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
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10 signs that you might be peachesncream
1. you type everything in lowercase letters becuase you're lazy
2. you live by the gilmore girls
3.you have more muppet figures and other assorted collectible than you have space
4.you still have boxes to unpack in your apartment
5. you still have stuff from your wedding in april in your car
6.you live by showtunes
7. everyone is called a kid
8. you wish you could be a muppet
9. you can name all the steelers thanks to your husband
10. you work in a theme park