30 Rock Muppet Parody


New Member
Jun 8, 2009
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My name is Brian Lynch. A few years ago, I wrote and sold a script called THE NEXT MUPPET MOVIE to Henson. I don't think it's getting made, which is kinda sad, but I still love the Muppets.

Great site, visit it often. Never thought to join the forums, I guess I'm too shy.

Anyway, I wrote something you might like. It's called 30 ROCK IS A RIP-OFF OF THE MUPPETS. It's done in jest, of course. But you might dig it.


Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Love this site, love the Muppets, and hey, love these little avatars off to the side here. Let me try one out: :embarrassed: Wow, sweet! Every forum should have those, Muppet related or not.