A Fraggle Rock Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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This is a short story of how the Fraggles, Doozers and Gorgs celebrated their first Thanksgiving.

Fall was in the air and in Fraggle Rock, everyone was feeling the crisp, cool feeling, some donning a sweater. The air, at times, smelled like apples, but it may be from the latest harvest of apples from an apple tree near the Gorgs’ garden. In the fall, Fraggles not only pick radishes, but also apples. Boober loved it when apples are picked, he makes all kinds of delicious treats from them, from cakes to pies. He was just about to start cooking when Gobo entered the room.
“Morning, Boober”, he said. “Good morning, Gobo”, Boober replied. “Hey, it smells so good it here”, Gobo said as he smelled the air. “That’s the wonderful crisp smell of the apples freshly picked”, Boober said pointing to the pile of apples. Gobo looked at the pile, “Mmm, they look really good, Boober. I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I took one to have as a snack? I haven’t had breakfast yet”, Gobo asked. “Well, okay. Luckily, I’ve got plenty to go around”, Boober said. “Thanks, Boober.”, he said as he took an apple from the pile. “I’m on my way to Doc’s, the last couple days he seemed pretty busy, so I’m gonna go see what’s up.”, he added. “Okay, be back soon. I’m planning on making fresh muffins from these apples,” Boober said. “Okay. See ya later!,” Gobo called as he left. “Bye, Gobo!”, Boober called back.

Gobo made his way through the tunnel that leads to Doc’s home in the desert snacking on the apple all the while. When he got there, the activity had slowed down a bit compares to the last couple days. “Doc? Are you there?”, Gobo called from the tunnel. “Gobo! Oh, I’m so glad to see you!,” Doc exclaimed. “Me,too, Doc”, Gobo said. Sprocket barked excitedly and quickly gave Gobo doggie kisses. “ I’m happy to see you, too, Sprocket!”, Gobo laughed as he wiped his face. “So what’s been going on here?”, he asked. “Oh, sorry if I’ve been busy lately, but Sprocket and I have been getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with Ned and a few of our neighbors,” Doc explained. “Thanksgiving? What’s that?”, Gobo asked. “Well, Thanksgiving is a holiday when people give thanks for what they have. Things like family, friends, their health and their dogs,” Doc said while petting Sprocket. “And there’s also lots of food and treats for everyone to enjoy. It’s a time when everyone comes together, giving thanks to each other”, he added. “Gosh! I’ve never heard of anything like that, but it sounds really neat!”, Gobo exclaimed. “When is Thanksgiving?”, he asked. “Why it’s today!”, Doc said happily. “Really? Wait ‘til everyone hears about this!”, Gobo exclaimed. “Well, in that case, later tonight, how ‘bout you and your friends come by and I’ll make you some food that you can share with me and Sprocket?”, Doc asked and Sprocket barked happily at the thought of the Fraggles coming for a Thanksgiving feast. “I’d love to and I’m sure my friends will, too.”, Gobo replied. “Oh, thank you, Gobo. I’ll see you later tonight”, Doc said as Gobo left for home. “Bye, Doc!”, Gobo called as he left. “Goodbye!,”

When Gobo returned to the room he shared with Wembley, he told Wembley, Red, Mokey and Boober about Thanksgiving and what it means. “Gosh, a holiday for giving thanks?”, Mokey asked smiling at the thought. “What an interesting concept”, Boober said thoughtfully. “So how exactly do when celebrate?”, Red asked. “Well, Doc said that you celebrate with lots of food and spending time with you family and friends,” Gobo said. “Well, I can prep the food, Apple muffins, pumpkin pie, Radish stew, anything to stay warm on a cool fall day”, Boober said. “And we have all of us”, Mokey said. “Wait a second. If we’re going to celebrate with friends, shouldn’t we include Cotterpin and Junior, too?”, Wembley asked. “That’s a great idea, Wembley!”, Red exclaimed. “Sure. We can include some Doozers and Gorgs as well!”, Gobo added. “And later on, Doc said that we can come over to his place to celebrate with him”, he added further. “Great. So where should we go to celebrate if we’re including the Doozers and the Gorgs?”, Red asked.
“Why not the garden?”, Mokey asked. “Perfect! Okay, here’s the plan. Red and Wembley, you go find Cotterpin and invite her. Mokey, you go to Junior and invite him. Boober, you get started to the food.”, Gobo said. “Right!”, the four Fraggles shouted.

Red and Wembley made their way towards some Doozer towers and quickly spotted Cotterpin. “Hey, Cotterpin!,” Red shouted. “Red! Wembley! How ya doin’?”, Cotterpin asked happy to see them. “Well, we were wondering if you would like to join us for a Thanksgiving feast?”, Red asked. “Sure. I’d love to join a feast, but what’s Thanksgiving?”, Cotterpin asked slightly confused. “It’s a holiday for giving thanks for everything that you have and since you’re our friend, we want you to join us”, Wembley explained. “Wow! That sounds neat. Of course, I’ll come. I’ll have to see if Wrench would like to come, too.”, Cotterpin said. “Great! We’ll come back later when it’s time”, Red said. “You got it! Bye!”, Cotterpin called. “Bye!”, Red and Wembley called back. At the garden, Mokey found Junior picking some radishes from the garden. “Junior!”, Mokey called. “Hey, Mokey!”, Junior called back. “Junior, would you like to join my friends and I for a Thanksgiving feast?”, Mokey asked. “Sure! But what’s Thanksgiving?”, Junior asked. “It’s a holiday for giving thanks for all that we have like friends and family”, Mokey explained. “Gee, that sounds neat”, Junior said thoughtfully. “Well, I’ll see if Ma could help me make a few things, maybe like a pumpkin stew or something”, Junior said. “Sounds great.”, Mokey said. “I’ll come back later to check, then we can celebrate.” she added. “Okay! See you later”, Junior called. “Bye!”, Mokey called.

Finally, the feast was ready to begin and everyone gathered at the garden. Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red, Cotterpin, Wrench, Junior and Ma and Pa Gorg gathered around to enjoy. On the table, there were radish slices, radish stew, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, apple pie, roasted green beans, carrots, squash and doozer sticks. “Oh, boy! What a feast!”, Junior exclaimed. “It sure is! The food looks fantastic!”, Cotterpin added. “Well, I can’t take all the credit. Gorgs and Doozers have good food as well.”, Boober said. “Why thank you”, Junior said with a slight bow. “Well, I thank you as well. Who knew that Fraggles can make such a beautiful spread?”, Ma Gorg said in awe. “Well, thanks”, Red said. “Well, shall we begin?”, Pa Gorg asked. “Wait, before we begin, I think we should all say what we’re thankful for since that’s what Thanksgiving is all about.”, Gobo said.
“Great idea, Gobo”, Wembley said. “I’ll start. I’m thankful for my Uncle Matt, my friends and the opportunity to explore just like my Uncle Matt”, Gobo said. “I’m thankful for the beauty of nature and music and for all of you”, Mokey said. “I’m thankful for all of you, too. I think not only are we friends, but we’ve become a family, too”, Wembley said. “I’m thankful for our health and our food and being with all of you”, Boober said. “I’m thankful for all of Fraggle Rock and all my friends and Doozers and Gorgs who are my friends, too”, Red said. “I’m thankful for creativity for creating our constructions and for Fraggles and Gorgs”, Cotterpin said. “I’m thankful for you, Cotterpin and the Fraggles and the Gorgs”, Wrench said. “I’m thankful for my Ma and Pa and all of you for helping see the universe in a new way”, Junior said. “I’m thankful for for our bountiful harvest and for making new friends and Junior”, Ma Gorg said. “And I’m thankful for my lovely wife and son, our home and new friends”, Pa Gorg said. “Wow! We all truly have a lot to be thankful for!”, Wembley exclaimed. “We sure do, Wembley”, Gobo said. Then they enjoyed their first Thanksgiving feast together

That night, the Fraggle Five joined Doc and Sprocket in his home to enjoy more food and being thankful. Doc brought out roasted carrots, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, fruit salad and apple juice to drink. “You know what I’m thankful for this year?”, Doc asked. “What’s that?”, Gobo asked. “I’m thankful for all of you. Why if I hadn’t met you, I’d never see the world in a new way. That includes you, of course, Sprocket”, Doc said. Sprocket gave Doc a doggy kiss to show thanks. Sprocket pointed to Doc and the Fraggles. “I think Sprocket is also thankful for all of us”, Doc said with a smile. “We’re thankful for you, Doc. To old friends and new”, Gobo said raising his cup of apple juice. Everyone raised their cups for a toast. “To friends!”, they all exclaimed. Soon, everyone was full and happy. Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober and Red were so full, they were too tired to return home, so Doc offered them to spend the night which they gladly accepted. As they all fell asleep, Gobo was so happy and he thought about the day’s events. “We all truly have so much to be thankful for”, he said softly as he drifted off to sleep.