And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Mar 27, 2012
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Let me guess, they'll remove the bird characters and then somehow forget to bother including African American characters anywhere else in the movie. The way it always goes in Hollywood. Cure racism by removing a race entirely. :coy: They don't care about diversity. They just don't like bad publicity.
My guess is that they'll probably cast some black comedians to play the crows and have them interpret what's best in connection with the director.


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Aug 8, 2003
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If this is true, Trump has come up with an over-inflated name for his health plan that perfectly matches his ego: "The World's Best Healthcare Plan of 2017."

However, both AARP and AMA are now fighting the new healthcare plan. Now, AARP, I can understand, but not the AMA: after "Obamacare" went into effect, a lot of doctors actually began turning patients away who supported "Obamacare" because they knew they wouldn't be getting any big payments from them; similarly, as I've said many times before, even during "Obamacare," I've had to switch insurance providers like three times because said providers keep dropping individual coverage so they can only insure big businesses instead. What, did the AMA suddenly have a change of heart or something? Did they suddenly realize they're actually supposed to help people and not just collect commissions?

But, I mean, yeah, I know AARP has been taking this stuff seriously, I get emails and newsletters from them all the time, and their C.E.O. has been routinely monitoring what's been going on in Congress as far as healthcare goes, and he not happy that Special Interest groups will be getting billions and billions while the American people will hardly get anything - not to mention the "age tax" on people 50-64, and the possibility of turning Medicare into a voucher system (and my mom will finally be able to apply for Medicare this year).


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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If this is true, Trump has come up with an over-inflated name for his health plan that perfectly matches his ego: "The World's Best Healthcare Plan of 2017."

However, both AARP and AMA are now fighting the new healthcare plan. Now, AARP, I can understand, but not the AMA: after "Obamacare" went into effect, a lot of doctors actually began turning patients away who supported "Obamacare" because they knew they wouldn't be getting any big payments from them; similarly, as I've said many times before, even during "Obamacare," I've had to switch insurance providers like three times because said providers keep dropping individual coverage so they can only insure big businesses instead. What, did the AMA suddenly have a change of heart or something? Did they suddenly realize they're actually supposed to help people and not just collect commissions?

But, I mean, yeah, I know AARP has been taking this stuff seriously, I get emails and newsletters from them all the time, and their C.E.O. has been routinely monitoring what's been going on in Congress as far as healthcare goes, and he not happy that Special Interest groups will be getting billions and billions while the American people will hardly get anything - not to mention the "age tax" on people 50-64, and the possibility of turning Medicare into a voucher system (and my mom will finally be able to apply for Medicare this year).
While Trump is backing this, he doesn't even want his name on it! That should tell you something. I doubt this is going to make it through, not because of Dems, but because of hard right Republicans. The Tea Party will not let this legislation happen's not horrible enough. We're living in crazyland. Eeep! Also, this.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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If they're looking for a name for the new health care plan, I think "We-Don't-Care" works fine.


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Sep 16, 2002
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I actually think Disney may be the most diversity friendly studios in Hollywood, now there are some areas where they could improve, but overall, they try.
As for getting rid of the "African American" birds in Dumbo, I really don't see the problem. The crows were entirely based on stereotypes and not technically any race at all because, well, they were birds. so not really the best representation any way you look at it. But also, there weren't any African American characters in the original that I can remember, so it wouldn't bother me too much if there weren't any in the remake, especially since there were so few humans in it to begin with, besides those circus clowns.
Agree to disagree. Not creating replacement characters is a problem for me. You do not combat racism by removing a race entirely. Especially when you have an opportunity to give African American actors work that isn't degrading.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Unfortunately, it's a catch-22, as Drtooth would put it, because on the other hand, then you're faced with something that other people do have a problem, and that's including a token minority for the sake of "political correctness." I mean, I'm not complaining about that or anything, but it is a common complaint when it seems like movie or TV casts include at least one ethnic character just for the sake of including a token ethnic character.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Agree to disagree. Not creating replacement characters is a problem for me. You do not combat racism by removing a race entirely. Especially when you have an opportunity to give African American actors work that isn't degrading.
I actually just remembered that that scene, despite it's one glaring problem, was actually integral to the plot, what, with the birds giving Dumbo the "magic" feather and all. I haven't seen the movie in a while so I thought the scene was a random out of the blue kind of thing, or as the Nostalgia Critic calls it "A Big Lipped Alligator Moment". So, when I wrote that post, I was thinking they could just do away with it all together. But, I still don't really see the point in adding any more characters than necessary. I mean, I want more diversity overall on TV and movies, but the original didn't have very many characters in the first place, so i'm not sure where African American actors would fit in there. So, unless the story dictates it, any extra characters (whether they're black, white, Asian, animals or anything else) would probably feel shoehorned in. That being said, since that crow scene was important, I say keep the crows, but tone down the stereotypes. Although, I guess they could make the ring leader at the circus black, since I think he's the only major human character we see not in clown make-up, but he still has a fairly small role.

Unfortunately, it's a catch-22, as Drtooth would put it, because on the other hand, then you're faced with something that other people do have a problem, and that's including a token minority for the sake of "political correctness." I mean, I'm not complaining about that or anything, but it is a common complaint when it seems like movie or TV casts include at least one ethnic character just for the sake of including a token ethnic character.
Who cares what those people think? You include characters of color, gay characters, strong female characters, or anything else, someone will cry "It's political correctness gone mad!". However, it is a little annoying when it seems they only added the token X just so they can call themselves diverse and not get too much flack about it. And i'm not saying having those characters is annoying per say, it just annoys me the creators didn't feel the need to add any more diversity. Sometimes you wonder, would it have killed the writers just to make this a character of color, or female, or not straight?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Agree to disagree. Not creating replacement characters is a problem for me. You do not combat racism by removing a race entirely. Especially when you have an opportunity to give African American actors work that isn't degrading.
But who said that was happening?