Anyone rememeber Wyonita?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
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sorry of i spelled her name wrong.i recall only seeing her in a skit about the word yo and their was an english version of it with Farley they would have a me or yo sign and come up to an object saying is this me and would say no that's not me it's a whatever is was and she did the yo version. i didn't know she was a muupet with a name. i did watch Play with Me Sesame and saw this skit where Farley and some other muppets where having a party and the record player is broken and she teaches everyone to make music by taking any objects and taping them against something and then shw plays her guitar along with it. now this was definitly from the early 70s, but does anyone know how long she lasted or any other skits she might of been in?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Do you mean "Juanita"? No I don't recall her, except from that one probable appearance on PWMS. I say probable cause you know my blind batty eyes' limitations by now.
Oh, and if you could, please provide a descript of this character to hopefully add her to the listings.
Thanks and have a good night.