Bad Trades


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
I had a trade going on with this person and it looks like i got burned.
It does not happen very often however i wish to post the email i sent to him to express my be very careful. :concern:


so what's the deal here ?
i still have not received my cd's from you yet.
is this the way a trade is suppose to be ?
i don't think have now long received your stuff,must i remind you i gave you 4 cdr's over 2gb of sesame street skits and all i asked for was the 2 cdr set that you aquired.this was a very fair trade.this trade dates way back to mid september and now it's november.

i'm getting very tired of reminding you.

please get back to me on this matter.

if anybody has traded with him or know his user name,please post it as so much time has passed i don't remember anymore all i know is that we connected here,i'm curious if anyone experienced any other bad trades.



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
What the guys screen name? I traded a few episodes and I haven't got back my stuff that I was spoused to get. His screen name was Furryfella. Now I've got back a couple of emails from when I've emailed him but he keeps telling me that his grandpa died and that its been hard the whole week to get that stuff sent off. Now I don't want to be rude and mean but its been since March since he's told me that. I wished he would hurry or just get off this site. I wrote a very rude emial to him but thats when he wrote back saying his grandpa had died. If he finally sends it I'll say ok but until he dose I'm going to be mad. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Erine81981 said:
What the guys screen name? I traded a few episodes and I haven't got back my stuff that I was spoused to get. His screen name was Furryfella. Now I've got back a couple of emails from when I've emailed him but he keeps telling me that his grandpa died and that its been hard the whole week to get that stuff sent off. Now I don't want to be rude and mean but its been since March since he's told me that. I wished he would hurry or just get off this site. I wrote a very rude emial to him but thats when he wrote back saying his grandpa had died. If he finally sends it I'll say ok but until he dose I'm going to be mad. :mad:

sorry to hear on your bad deal that is far too long
the user's name i have just found out for the above post i made is: