Big Bird and His Cousins


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
I really like this picture. Very original idea, and great photo editing skills.
And I thought of a little exchange just now:

:wisdom:: Hey, Oscar! Oscar! (knocks on Oscar's can)
:grouchy:: What do you want, you overgrown feather duster?
:wisdom:: Look at this picture, Oscar! It's me and all my cousins together. They're all from different countries, like Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, and Turkey! My good friend Sprocket77 made it. What do you think of it?
:grouchy: (examines the picture): Hmmm. You really wanna know what I think of it?
:wisdom:: Sure!
:grouchy:: I think that it's for the birds! Heh heh heh! Get it? Heh heh heh! (ducks into his can and shuts the lid)