Bringing you the Truth...


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Apr 5, 2011
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“Bringing you the truth in a world gone Max.”

Does anyone else here recall that tagline? It’s on a magazine ad I still have, for the long-gone show Max Headroom. And while most people who recall the show at all only remember the wisecracking, Pepsi-hawking, computer-generated Max, he was actually a very minor character in the show. No…the show was all about investigative reporter Edison Carter, who fearlessly hunted down the truth week after week, braving an Orwellian, tangled government and shady, powerful megacorporations to get the facts out to the populace…the ultimate hero-journalist!

Does that scenario sound familiar in today’s world? No? D—d right it doesn’t, and we’re worse off for it.

Recently, I’ve been researching media censorship, both as background for my current fic (yes, I DO research, as should any and all writers tackling anything they don’t have intimate history with, no matter what the genre), and simply to educate myself. A number of very disturbing things have come to my attention as a result. And even though some of my book sources are a few years old now (though none more than ten) the inescapable conclusion is that we Americans are still vastly, dangerously uninformed or underinformed. Vastly and dangerously. That’s right, guys…what we don’t know has already hurt us and will continue to hurt us, and it continues simply because those in real power (follow the money, folks) know we’re all too blithely ignorant and too easily led by the nose to rise in outrage and expose them, depose them, and send them packing to someplace where state censorship is a matter of accepted fact – Dubai, maybe. Or North Korea.

For instance. Remember the uproar over Jeb Bush illegally refusing voting rights to millions of people in Florida, or the questionable voting machine “errors,” or the fact that the Bush family had financial ties to the company which supplied the actual machines? No? Gee, that story kinda vanished after 2000, didn’t it?

Remember the unresolved issues about how, exactly, Building 7 at the WTC came though it had been a controlled-implosion demolition…and explosive chemical traces were present in the dust…and hundreds of engineers, architects, and demolition experts pushed for a thorough investigation which has yet to be undertaken? No? Bet you never even heard about that one. Do I think the Bushies were somehow complicit in 9/11? No…corrupt and dangerous though they are, even I don’t think they would have callously sacrificed so many just for a pretext to invade Iraq (which was being pushed for by Bush and Rumsfeld months before 9/11). Certainly, homegrown terrorists could have trained and planned and gained access to the buildings as part of a concerted plot – they infiltrated other sensitive areas, why not there? …But the fact that to this day, there has never been a thorough investigation or explanation of exactly how the buildings fell (nope, it wasn’t the burning jet fuel, guys, look into some chemistry and do the math)…the blind eye officials have turned to the whole matter…now THAT is scary. (Check out the award-winning, fact-checking, genuinely frightening articles the folks at Project Censored have put together… )

Remember TWA Flight 800, which mysteriously exploded just off Long Island, and which was written off as a “probable malfunction” by the FBI…despite hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw something streak from the water’s surface into the sky, and the fireball in the air moments after? Despite the evidence of solid missile fuel within the plane wreckage? Despite numerous completely conflicting reports by the various Armed Forces branches as to what ships, planes, etc were where in the vicinity and whether a training exercise was going on? Good reporters lost their jobs when trying to pursue that one, and inside sources were sued and ruined. What’s worse, possible friendly fire…or a massive coverup?

What’s worst, in all these and many other examples I could cite, is that the major, mainstream media – not to mention Rupert’s wonderful little Faux News Network – wouldn’t touch any of these stories unless it was to discredit them by quoting the official line, even when the facts disproved those blithe press releases --doing no research or investigation themselves! And we bought it!

I’m sorry, do I sound angry? Yes. Yes I am. I’m furious.

I’m not Edward Murrow. I’m not even Edison Carter or the Muppet Newsman, much as I enjoy my online alter ego. I’m just a deeply appalled person who has taken the time to educate myself. I’m just someone who wishes the bulk of this nation would tear themselves away from reality-tv bread-and-circuses long enough to do the same! Were I a billionaire, right this minute, though there are many worthy causes I would be happy to support, one of them would assuredly be to establish an online newsroom and hire the hungriest, most ethical, most willing-to-dig-past-the-corporate-or-government-press-release journalists I could find… yes, I have hope there remain a few… and tell them, “Smell a story? Go for it. I will back you up.” I’d hire the smartest lawyers money could buy to counter the inevitable BS lawsuits by ConHugeCo sharks. I’d make an haven for actual news again because I strongly believe everyone has the right to know who’s making deals with whom under the table (and our noses), who’s in bed with whom financially, who actually wields the power in this country.

Is Wikileaks doing all that? Hardly. Though I love ‘em, they’re just a repository for facts. It still takes someone brave enough to risk having their editor bow to pressure from above, risk their job, risk in some cases their personal safety, not to mention their reputation and personal finances, to put those facts into context. Note I said context, not spin. We need real news, not all the skewed facts which Monsanto or Du Pont or the Rockefellers think fit to print. We need real reporters, not talking heads quoting yet another meaningless “poll” of a hundred students at some small college, presenting the results as if they were even vaguely representative of the populace of the nation as a whole!

Why am I going on this rant here? Well…because I have to hope, silly though this sounds, that as Muppet fans, you all actually believe in honesty and decency and doing what’s right. And what’s right ought to include finding out the facts behind any news story – and finding out what stories the mainstream won’t even touch because they’re more worried about their bottom dollars than keeping a voting public accurately and fully informed at all times! Even if you “have no interest in politics,” even if you think I’m only another nutjob with a slant of my own, please, research for yourselves. Project Censored is a good place to start; Mother Jones is another ( but there are of course many others. International news often carries stories the American press won’t touch – the Bush election fraud stories are a great example of that, when the BBC and the Guardian newspaper plastered them all over that side of the pond, and paid mouthpieces here simply smirked about Gore’s “sour grapes.”
I don’t pretend to be an expert. I’m just a deeply worried citizen. Frankly, so should you all be. Fictional or not, Edison Carter is my hero. Support those who dig for the truth by at least reading their stories and seeing the evidence for yourself, even when…especially when…the official line is the equivalent of the old movie cop: “That’s it, move along, nothin’ ta see here!” Will some crack theories remain simply unsubstantiated conspiracy nutjob fare? Of course…but a savvy public will find that out for itself, not be content to be spoon-fed sheep! So shear that wool and go look for yourselves, for frog’s sake, or when the slaughter comes you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves. The media has failed.

It’s up to you.

Sources – and I urge you to go read these yourselves:
CENSORED 2011, ed. by Mickey Huff, Peter Philips, and Project Censored, 2011.
Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press, ed. by Kristina Borjesson, 2004.
Bad News, Tom Fenton, 2005.
Getting It Wrong, W. Joseph Campbell, 2010.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm a little disappointed... when I saw the title of this thread, I thought someone here was sharing somethingabout themselves that they had been hiding from us for years or something... :smirk: :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I haven't been here enough years to hide anything, Snowthy!

That would be the Truth or Dare thread. Go start one. :smile:



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Why am I going on this rant here? Well…because I have to hope, silly though this sounds, that as Muppet fans, you all actually believe in honesty and decency and doing what’s right. And what’s right ought to include finding out the facts behind any news story
I am definitely concerned about making sure the news media does its due diligence regarding research. But as a researcher I'm skeptical of things like Project Censored that seem to perpetuate conspiracy theories.

No offence intended; you have a right to your opinion. :smile: Just saying we call do care about truth even if we don't always agree about how to find it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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As a longtime 9/11 truther, anti war activist, and critic of American and Western foreign policy(as well as corporate corruption, and generally anti nwo) it's good to see others who get it. I just kind of stopped following politics, and rarely even engage in talking about this sort of stuff with liberal and conservative people I've known on or offline.

I mean, giant mega banks got caught launder hundreds of billions for drug cartels in recent years...and hardly anyone even cares. You have the US giving tens of billions annually to the very Islamist countries who bankrolled and helped direct 9/11 and other "al Qaeda" black ops. You have pretty much every post 9/11 "terror plot" coming out as being all the work of FBI informants and agents(including Obama's fake Iran terror plot...notice how that went away quietly?)

I hear people all the time say "the terrorists! The terrorists"....never mind we've gotten killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in the last decade. But it's not terrorism if it has the red white and blue or NATO logo apparently. I mean all the torture, kidnapping of's just so out of hand. And still going on under Obama.

But this is why I shun tv, well part of it. I mean even just the tv ads is a form of programmed brainwashing. I fear next year "they" will successfully manipulate the minds of people to get everyone at eachother's throats. People need to recognize all this stuff


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I mean, giant mega banks got caught launder hundreds of billions for drug cartels in recent years...and hardly anyone even cares. You have the US giving tens of billions annually to the very Islamist countries who bankrolled and helped direct 9/11 and other "al Qaeda" black ops. You have pretty much every post 9/11 "terror plot" coming out as being all the work of FBI informants and agents(including Obama's fake Iran terror plot...notice how that went away quietly?)

I hear people all the time say "the terrorists! The terrorists"....never mind we've gotten killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in the last decade. But it's not terrorism if it has the red white and blue or NATO logo apparently. I mean all the torture, kidnapping of's just so out of hand. And still going on under Obama.
The thing that bugs me is already Romney is hinting at things that are worse. he keeps talking about how much of a failure it was for Obama to just let the War in Iraq deadline end the war instead of renegotiating to keep them in longer. Then he goes on to keep saying we need a stronger military. No matter how big Obama is a "warmonger," we'd probably be in Iran right now under anyone else. It's sad that I actually have to give him credit just for not going into Iran yet. Keyword yet. Once any of the Right Wing stooges goes in, first order of business... whaddayathink its gonna be?

I absolutely HATE to say we did the right thing with Libya. But frankly we waited until we were asked, we were only the unlockable support, and we got in and out in under a year... vs the 10 we've been in Afghanistan and the 8 we've been in Iraq.

As for the banks... it seems like BOTH sides are on their take, the dems up front and the reps under the table. The dems may have helped with the deregulation bail outs and all that, but the right refuses any new regulations and wanted to make sure we didn't tax the bonuses out from under the morons that ran their businesses into the ground so they can get those golden parachutes.

The only politician that I trust not to go into Iran at this point is Ron Paul... and sadly, while the more I learn about his policies the less I like him, I'd take all that up in a taco shell and eat it just so we don't go with ticking off a country that could very well give us that nuclear holocaust we're oh so impatient to start.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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No, there's one not to vote for or one you're going to have suck it up and vote for out of fear for the other. Unless everyone votes 3rd party... but the chances of someone coming up with a coherent middle ground moderate party that has something both sides can agree to are incredibly slim. Sad thing is, the left is the right, and the right's some superpowered ultra-right. And the only left left is Green Rainbow... and I HATE green rainbow as much as I hate far right indies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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No, there's one not to vote for or one you're going to have suck it up and vote for out of fear for the other.
And as long as we keep accepting that, we can't expect change. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Third parties pop up over night. None of them have organization, none of them have appeal to anyone but fringe groups that wouldn't vote mainstream or people who actually think voting for them makes a real difference. And besides the point, how can we be sure they're incorruptible?

Meanwhile, the only change I see from the mainstream is the left moving right, and the right being galvanized and reveling in the very same warmongering, wealthy favoring, bigot pandering they constantly whine about the left generalizing them as.

The thing that really gets me is the VERY same politicians that were complaining about Obama getting involved with Libya are the same ones complaining he didn't keep us in Iraq? What does that tell you? Iraq was a Bush era pork barrel project, and we left in the extremely generous time line Bush set up... the very same politicians that were distancing themselves from Bush back in 2006 when everyone started to hate him are kissing up to his policies, and complaining when Democrats meakly follow them. Like the right doesn't get what it wants enough.

Sure, I don't like the race being between a party that accepted money from the people who screwed everything up and a party that points the finger at them but refuses any regulations on big business, effectively letting the same things happen. But then again, that kind of apathy got Bush re-elected. Kerry would have been a lousy president sure... but lousy is better than rotten, if by a small margin.