Customizer mold issues

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
Reaction score
So I am busy, hacking away, creating custom items and such, and a few of them I need multiples of (Penguins, ducks, chickens, gophers, etc). I don't want to SCULPT 10 of these, so I am looking into material to be purchased this weekend for this express purpose. Any help you might have would be greatly appreciated. Mostly they are for accessories-hats, hairdos/ wigs, etc... So the need is small at most. Those of you who help me the most might actually recieve some junk in the mail if it's wanted. Who knows. My stuff is considered by friends and accomplices as "Advanced Ameteur." It's not Palisades quality, but it's not crap either. So there.

Anyway, let the good times roll!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Just forget to clean out your refridgerator before you go on vacation and soon you'll have a collection that's just too good to throw out! :wink:

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
Reaction score
All right!!!

Thanks for the help Aero!

And the sound advice Whatever!!! Mold is delicious!!!

So there we go, back to the workshop!!! And I have to buy legos.. Durnit!!! But that does seem to be the best method... This technique uses similar tactics to the Muppet Craft Book, that I use for references on how to paint my figs. ANd sculpt. And clothe... Sheesh, this is a full time job!!!

Ken, you got any openings over there??? I'm doing all the work already, I might as well get paid for the stuff!! HAHAHAHA