Disney deal estimated between $40-60 million


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I agree with Luke - it's a reasonable price all things considered epsecially since there is potentially more future revenue involved. Weren't there problems with the rights to some shows like "The Muppet Show" that led EM.tv to dump the company so cheaply in the first place?


New Member
Nov 5, 2003
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Well I am happy to hear about it but sad at the same time. But one thing I am not clear about. Is or is not Disney going to own the Henson Company? I mean is it everything or not? As for the Muppet characters on Sesame Street, I thought the Jim Henson Company owned those characters and not Sesame Workshop. Or did Sesame Workshop bought the rights to the characters? And if they did, was there an article telling of that.

The reason why I am sad is because hearing that a favorite company of mine as the Jim Henson Company being bought. It is like the time my favorite game show company like Mark Goodson Productions was bought. I was sad but eventually come to accept it. I mean if I was in the entertainment business and had the money, I would have tried to buy it too. But with the Henson Company being bought, I will eventually get over it. I just felt that with Henson being bought, that the quality or the vision of Jim Henson might be changed. But with Mark Goodson Productions, the company that now owns it has made improvements to the game shows. Like with the "Price Is Right" and "Family Feud". Comparing the shows now to what it was like then. So I am sure that with Disney owning the JHC, I am sure they can even make it better. To help JHC even grow more and better than ever.

I wonder if Disney might do more seasons of "Dinosaurs" that was produced by Henson? I would like to see more shows of Henson's to make a come back with new episodes or seasons. Like for instance, "Muppets Tonight" which I heard aired on the Disney Channel. But also heard that it did not last that long. I never got to see it at that time cause I did not have the channel on regular cable cause it was not offered. But it was offered on digital cable. In which I now have. One time I e-mailed JHC to ask why the show did not last very long and they answered that I should ask the Disney Channel. Does anyone know why it did not last long? I heard that it is not like the "Muppet Show" but it was a more updated version from what I heard.

I have another question. If the deal goes through and is finalized in a few months, what happens to JHC's deals with other companies to distribute their movies in theaters and on dvds, their shows on dvds too like the "Muppet Show"? I don't know about you but I find such things very interested to know. I mean, like with Henson's music that they have gone through many record companies. But for movies and dvds, the JHC has gone through many studio distributors. I am just very curious.

I have heard that many Muppet performers, etc. have used this forum. So when Disney takes control, will that mean that they can't say much on here or whatever? I would hate for that to happen.

Sorry if this post is SO long. Since hearing the news, it sort of bring out alot of questions in me.

Henderson, KY


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
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dmx10101 said:
"We will look aggressively at developing new programming featuring both the Muppets in their classic presentation and perhaps in a new form that could include 3-D (computer-generated imaging). This could be in a TV movie, a TV series or a feature film."

I don't like CG Muppets, that makes them not real!

I wouldnt mind seeing a 3D Muppet movie :smirk: just ONE tho :smile: