Episode 27 of dotBoom is out!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hey all,

Episode 27, "The Mommy Daddy Button," is now online. I hope you'll check it out. 'Tis about:

"Only one episode remains before the season finale of dotBoom, the hit show that nobody's watching!

Jason, needing resolution with his father, travels to the other side of the country to have a chat with the old man. At the same time, back in the office, Joni has some unsurprisingly sudden news.

Fifteen minutes from now, nothing at dotBoom will ever be the same again!"

Thanks, as ever, to my great crew, and to recurring special guest-star Dan Klass. You guys rock!

You can watch the episode here:

And you can listen to the commentary here:


Also, there's a bonus commentary for episode 26, with me and Dan Klass (the voice of Jason's father, Dan), which I hope you'll check out. It's here:



Want to be in the season finale?

If you want to be heard in one of the crowd scenes in the season finale of dotBoom, send me an e-mail with a sound file attached, and I'll put you in. More details are here:



We've still got our new and swanky buttons available. You can buy them here:


They're cheap! Buy 'em for all your friends and puppet-obsessives!


'Tis all.