Food For Thought


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I know we generally try to avoid political discussion here, but I read this on Scott McCloud's daily Blog ( and thought I would share it with everyone:


Our friend Theresa was talking to some co-workers on Wednesday. "Did you know that you can see Mars for the first time in 60,000 years tonight?" they asked her.

"No, no," Theresa explained, "You can see Mars on many nights, it's just closer than it's been in 60,000 years."

"Oh no!" they insisted "Mars has never been seen in 60,000 years!"

It didn't matter how emphatically my friend tried to explain that what they were saying was illogical, that if it was true, how would we even know Mars was there, that planets rotate around the Sun, etc, etc...They wouldn't budge...

Now, if you find this anecdote as appalling as we did, please consider this:

These people vote.

NPR, just 40 seconds ago (I have the radio on) reports that two thirds of Americans can't name even one of the democratic contenders for President. May I suggest that if you do know at least one of those names; if you know that planets revolve around the Sun; if you do have any grasp of world history and America's place in it, that you please also vote next time.

Astronomers tell us that Mars is now receding a bit. But the God of War looks closer than ever.

Regardless of whether you agree with Scott's political positions, he does actually post one of the shorter, but more thoughtful Blog on the web. It's updated almost every weekday at If you're there check out his 'Morning Improv' a comic drawn that morning by Scott.

I also post a much less thoughtful Blog at Are any other MCers Bloggers too?