FR/TMS/DT crossover:


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
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This is what I think it would be like:

(Gobo sorts through the trash in Doc's workshop. He finally finds his Uncle Traveling Matt's letter.)

GOBO (reading): "Dear Nephew Gobo..."

(fade to Matt visiting Muppet Labs)

TRAVELING MATT: I am on my way to discover a very shiny-looking cave, and two odd silly creatures (Bunsen & Beaker) with a very shiny-looking Gorg that's very friendly (their time machine).

BUNSEN: All right, Beaker, time to test the time machine! Now if we could find a subject to test this out on...

BEAKER (scared): Meep-meeeeeeeeee!

BUNSEN: Oh, don't worry, Beaker. You won't be my test subject this time. Hey, why don't we try it out on this visitor? Hello, friend!

TRAVELING MATT: Well, hello, silly creatures! I am Traveling Matt, and I just happened to observe this shiny-looking Gorg. Mind if I say hello to it?

BUNSEN: That's not a "Gorg". This is the Muppet Labs Time Machine. Imagine trying to fix something back in the past that you can't do in the present. With the Muppet Labs Time Machine, you can go forwards and backwards in time to your favorite places. Step inside, Mr.... uh...

TRAVELING MATT: The name is Matt. Traveling Matt Fraggle, and I would love to test this "time machine" of yours.

BUNSEN: All right, Beaker, let's try sending him back one year ago.

BEAKER: Meep-meep! (looks at the dial, accidentally sets it to one billion years ago, activates time machine)

BUNSEN: Good work, Beaker! Where'd you send him to?

BEAKER: (looks at dial) Meep-oh.


BEAKER: (scared) Meep.

(Cut to the CGI world of Dinosaur Train. Matt arrives in mid-air, and lands in the Pteranodon family's nest. We see Shiny and Don sleeping, and Buddy and Tiny are away visiting Annie Tyrannosaurus and her family.)

TRAVELING MATT (writing in his journal): I have discovered two interesting-looking flying creatures, one turquoise (Shiny) and one sea green (Don) who appear to be sleeping... so I'd better not wake them up.

(Shiny wakes up and sees Traveling Matt)

TRAVELING MATT: Hello, flying creature!

SHINY: (screams loudly, then falls out of the nest, visibly shaken and scared at the sight of Matt)

DON (waking up): Shiny? Where are you? (sees Matt) Hey, you're a cool-looking creature! What are you?

TRAVELING MATT: My name is Traveling Matt Fraggle, and I come from a place called Fraggle Rock.

DON: Fraggle Rock? I've never seen that rock before. I can't wait to add it to my collection!

(cut back to Shiny, covering her eyes in fear)

SHINY (in a jittery tone): Is that s-s-s-s-scary-looking c-c-c-c-creature gone, D-D-D-D-Don?

DON: What scary creature? This "fraggle" is my new friend, Matt. Say "hi" to him, Shiny.

(Shiny [with a close-up of her face] turns around, slowly, and sees Matt)


SHINY: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Runs off in fear, crying hysterically. Buddy and Tiny return from visiting Annie.)

BUDDY & TINY: Hi, Shiny! Hi, Don!

SHINY (hysterically): Don't go there, Buddy and Tiny!

TINY: Why, Shiny?

SHINY: There's a hideous looking creature in our nest! (continues running in fear)

BUDDY: Who's the scary-- (sees Matt) What is that thing?

TINY: I don't know, but whatever he is, Don sure seems to get along with him. Maybe we should go say hello.

TRAVELING MATT: (sees Buddy and Tiny) Are those your siblings?

DON: Yup! That T-Rex is my brother Buddy, and the Pteranodon is my other sister, Tiny. Buddy and Tiny, this is my new friend, Matt.

TINY: Hello, Matt! What kind of creature are you? I'm sure the Conductor would like to know.

TRAVELING MATT: I am a creature from a place called Fraggle Rock, therefore, I am a Fraggle. We love to dance, eat, sing, and sleep!

("2 HOURS LATER" timecard appears)

TRAVELING MATT: (writes in journal) So, nephew, I shall return home soon with a special present for you from my new friend, Don. See you soon!

GOBO: Boy, my uncle Matt always goes beyond Outer Space, doesn't he? (chuckles)

What do you think? :smile: