Getting teenagers involved in Puppet ministry


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2004
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I finally figured out what to do with the puppets that I had made that were just on stands in my basement. I'm going to use them in a puppet ministry at my church. I've gotten the church education board behind it, and the adult leadership is almost as excited as I am. I've purchased several resources, including Ben Jone's Wanna Bite of Elephant, to get things started. But now I've got a bit of a dilemma.

I had planned to use the older kids in Sunday school as my puppeteers (grades 8-12.) While I was one once, I'm not sure about how to get past the teenager's "Ugh, puppets are for kids. This is bull dinky." attitude that they often have. I realize that not everyone is as enthusiastic about puppetry as I am, but how can I get them to open up to the possibility that it could be fun and introduce them to puppetry?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2004
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I think you have your own answer already. I think that you need to "introduce them to PUPPETRY".... THEN get them going on a puppet ministry gig.

You're fighting a couple of things here. First, you're fighing the perception that puppets are for kiddies and teens want above all else to be seen as adults and not children.

Second, you're fighting the teen-aged desire to NOT look foolish. Particularly in front of other teens and adults. And you're asking them to suddenly step up and start doing something that they know is inherently difficult to do WELL.

So I think your best tack is to get them involved in puppetry on a base level. Let them build up a little confidence about it. Let them get some skillz under their belts in a total non-pressure situation. THEN they'll probably be willing to show off to the congregation. Cuz you know, the OTHER thing that Teens love to do is show off.

My nickel's worth of free advice.



Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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I use students starting at 5th grade- high school. I never had an issue with recruiting (in fact some times I have too many kids involved). One thing I learned is just because it is religious material your working with doesn't mean it does not have to be fun and humorous. I write my own skits so that they are not too preachy and stay entertaining. I also use a lot of improv games ala "whose Line is it..." when we rehears. This gets them excited. I also find that even the shiest kid can come forward when they get to hide behind a stage. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Hey I see that your from Mankato....I went to college in New Ulm not to far from there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2004
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Cool! The the problem is that these kids haven't been so much recruited as conscripted. I told the church leaders that I wanted to work with 'some of the older kids', and somewhere along the line that became 'The older kids.' So now one Sunday School Lesson per month is devoted to puppetry (and extra rehearsals outside of it to get ready for performance.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2003
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Sit down and communicate with the church leaders your vision. Make them understand, then turn your attention to the youth. Make them understand that this is the coolest way to minister on the planet. (It's so much fun, you forget your serving the Lord.)

One more thing, find several committed adults (or adults that need to be committed) to keep the ministry going when you have down times. Youth will invariably find more intresting things (girls, cars, cheerleading, football, hanging out, SAT prep, etc.) that will readjust their priorities. It's part of life.

And remember anyone who is coerced or participates because this is what "should" be done will eventually resent the ministry.

Al Raschid

Sep 10, 2007
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How about putting on a performance for the young people? Thats what people from my church did and I've never looked back on puppets, I love it!

Actually some missionaries who had used puppets came in to our club, gave a performance (nothing to lengthy, just a quick, cool sketch with a good message), and then asked for volunteers to use the puppets briefly behind the stage.