Help identifying an old clip? Man with a moustache...


Mar 5, 2007
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This is going to be very vague, but it has been 'haunting' me (as in 'won't get out of my head since I tried describing it to someone', not 'oooooh i'm scared!') for the past while.

I was talking with a couple friends and they have no recollection of this one but I SWEAR it was a clip from 'the old days'. Perhaps it was (excuse me) "The Electric Company" but I watched S.S. wayyyyyy more than E.C. And I used to have a pretty good memory.

Can't remember exactly what it was 'about' but I know (haha, or THINK I know) that it involved a tall, thin man with a thin moustache, black hair in a really nice part to the side, beady eyes, and it was very windy. I'm sure I'm not putting together parts from other 'clips'.

Perhaps I've lost it and it didn't really exist. And search engines are doing nothing for me!

Help if someone remembers this and can direct me to somewhere or at least confirm that it actually was a clip!

Thanks in advance if anyone remembers it, too.

(it was animated, not 'muppet'-ized/live action).
