Ideas for my site???


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2003
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I started my site in february. The dutch part (in english) is ready, but I wanted to make a bit like family corner for the big birds from all the sesame streets. But off course arent there any pictures on the web about birds from countries that don´t broadcast anymore.

What could i make to make it more?
Does anyone have an idea? PLEASE Help!!! :confused:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hi Pino!

What a great looking fan site! I especially like the background and the trippy little flower pointer (lol, can I "borrow" that for a Web site sometime?). Information on most of the International versions of Sesame is hard to find (except for what's on the handy dandy Sesame World) so I think that its great there are fans like you outside of the U.S. who share this type of info with the world.

As for content additions, I'd love to know something about the puppeteers on the show and maybe more of the "behind the scenes" history of it (if you have any info like that).

You might want to consider providing links to all three pages (Muppets, actors, history) from your main page. Maybe three buttons (one for each) instead of the one photo on the main page. That would make information easier for visitors to find quickly. Also, some people prefer to put navigational controls ("next", "back", etc.) at the top of pages, rather than the bottom so users won't miss them if they don't scroll down but its really just a matter of personal choice.

One last - minor but important note - your copyright notice should probably read as follows:

Sesamestreet, Muppets, their logo, characters, names, photos and likenesses are trademarks and copyrights of Sesame Workshop. All other content copyright 2003 (your name here). All rights reserved.

Great site! :excited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips.. I like to save the next and back buttons where they are, because else you cant c the whole background.
I changed the copyright part and the dutch part of sesamestreet starts after the index. There I work with buttons (Pictures)...
You can borrow the flowerpointer, because its from geocities it self :smile:
I hope you will enjoy the site again and if you like.. its free to write in my guestbook :big_grin: