Is Baby Bear Jewish?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I think in "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street", they didn't bring up the subject of religion, but definitely of faith. Big Bird has to learn to trust that Christmas will turn out fine, even when there is no physical proof or explanation. That's the essence of what faith is. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2004
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True... but thats Relgion for you too.

But as i have always felt... "Faith is believeing in something, when common sense tells you not to." ~Miracle On 34th Street

I too agree that RF was Purple to represent black. Only because if he was black, he'd be too dark for TV and it may have been harder to see him. But i also bleieve SS has character all different colors for a reason. Like bert being Yellow and Ernie being Orange. The reason is to show the different colors of peoples skin, and how they all get along. Maybe i'm looking too deep into it, but i think if they did choose to go with this path, it was a smart one.

Anyway back on topic, I disagree with Bert and Ernie being jewish... i dont see how that would be "cool" since they have always been celebrating christmas

I dont think its a bad thing that they have jewish characters. But why baby bear, unless his performer was Jewish? My guess, like most of you all, the performer is Jewish.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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GonzoLeaper said:
but I don't know of any specific emphasis that is really put on the birth of Jesus Christ in any of the Sesame Street Christmas productions. (as the Muppets generally stay away from the mention of God for the most part, in an effort not to be promoting any one particular thing I'm sure)
Actually, Elmo's World Happy Holidays did feature the characters in a nativity scene.

Personally, I think the special should have gotten into Ramadan just a little more than they had. A kid just mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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CoOKiE said:
True... but thats Relgion for you too.
That's true. Religion and faith compliment each other. To me religion is the man-made organization. Faith in your beliefs is what you're really striving for, and people use religions to get there.

And I've always liked that quote from Miracle on 34th Street too!